I feel sorry for the poor SOB from the CRA that has to sign for all of the letters during CHOD. -Cliff
all right, mike. you sold me on it. orginally i was going to go online for tu, but since i sent another dispute in already via online, then i may have to send it snail mail so that it doesn't get sent to the same department. i believe that CA handles online and PA handles snail mail. does anyone have the addresses to send them to? my report shows a local address, but i don't want to send it to them, i want to go the to the main office so that i want lose the momentum.
From the TU website: Mail your dispute to: TransUnion P.O. Box 2000 Chester, PA 19022 If you live in: Alabama APO Americas Other than Canada Arkansas Canada Connecticut Washington D.C. Delaware APO Europe, Middle East Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin TransUnion P.O. Box 34012 Fullerton, CA 92831 If you live in: Alaska American Samoa Arizona California Canal Zone Colorado Federated States of Micronesia Guam Hawaii Idaho Kansas Marshall Islands Mexico Montana Nebraska Nevada New Mexico North Dakota Northern Mariana Islands Oklahoma Oregon APO Pacific Palau South Dakota Texas Utah Washington Wyoming TransUnion de Puerto Rico Consumer Relations P.O. Box 13968 Santurce Station San Juan, PR 00907-3968 Puerto Rico
I just spoke with a Manager at EX; 800-810-5654(didn't write down his name). I asked him about CRRR disputes over the holidays. He verified to me that they are short handed, extremely busy with CC Xmas pre-approvals, disputes via mail and CRRR. He also stated that the normal 3-5 business day for them will expand to probably 5-7 days. This means when you send your dispute CRRR, look for it to take 5-7 business days for it to get signed, then another 3-5 days to process, because of holidays. Just sharing info ..... I am sending my CHODs between the 20 & 22. Good luck during CHOD. UNLV34
if you have a local ex and eq office, do you send your disputes there, or could you just send hem directly to the main office?
I am sending mine to the main offices ...this way, hopefully no problems. I just want a signature from the CRA's, then the clock is ticking ...
They sure do stamp, I bet Edwin who stamps for TU in Fullerton is the busiest man there is.... I'm ready for there butts, my CRRR are burning my fingers...
If you have an affiliate office that you have to deal with, sending the disputes to the main offices will NOT start the clock. They will forward the disputes to your local affiliate and when the affiliate receives it, the clock will start. So, if you do have an affiliate office, I would suggest sending your disputes directly to that office.
Ok here is my question. I have 1 late pay with each CRA I would like to dispute and the friggin Emerge acct that I never opened. Are there standard letters I can use for these? I looked in the letters forum but I do not see them. Thanks! Allen
Hi Ivan, Yes you are correct. I am sending my CHOD stuff on November 20th & 22nd. Good luck to you with CHOD. UNLV34
First of all, have you tried getting that one late pay off by contacting the creditor first. For something like that, you want to go to the creditor first, not the CRA. Reason being is the CRAs are notorious for deleting the ENTIRE tradeline, not just the 1 late pay. AND to top it all off, they are hard to get re-inserted. Unless you are willing to take that risk, I would not go that route. I would go directly to the creditor and use the verbal or written goodwill with them. If you are an otherwise good customer, you will find that they will adjust. As far as standard letters go, you should stop using standard letters. They are just guidelines. The best dispute letters are those that sound like they are written by you. ) For instance, if you do end up disputing the late pay with the CRA, I would write a simple letter stating that you dispute such and such entry on the grounds that the creditor is reporting an incorrect date. There is no need to but any mumbo jumbo in an initial dispute letter. You can save that for later.
thanks blues... i sent a letter to fleet about 2 weeks ago begging them to remove it... the emerge thing is another story.. one that if i think about it will get me too mad.. when I dispute, should I include the page from the report showing the acct in dispute? thanks! we should all meet up at the post office HAHAH
I don't understand what you mean about showing the page with the account in dispute? Disputing with the OC or the CRA? Why would you show this?