So, I missed the mail, and decided to simply phone in my disputes. Only 2 per CRA (the only negs I have) but the clock is ticking...!
Please read this thread as to the benefits and negatives to disputing by phone or mail.
I don't disagree that CRRR is usually the better option. I elected not to because: 1) I was afraid if I mailed it today I would risk them not receiving/signign for it till the monday after thanksgiving, and I would lose the benefit of CHOD; and 2) I was disputing items I have disputed before, and I was concerned that they could label them as frivolous and do nothing. By speaking on the phone I was able to ensure that they would investigate. And with at least one CRA, I was correct -- initially they said they would not redispute -- until I told them a different version of the facts and they changed their tune. If I had mailed it would simply have been thrown out.
The thing you're missing out on is the hopes that the disputes sit around for awhile before being entered into the system. Yours went right in, so they have the full 30 days now. I personally want my disputes to not be received until the first week of December, so the disputes run through Christmas and are interrupted again by New Years. They only have 21 days to verify for the State of Maine, so I haven't mailed mine yet. I'll mail them this weekend probably, to have them due right around Christmas.
Well, You could have given the same explanation in writing. I don't think you lose the benefit of Chod by mailing a couple of days late, because of the volume of disputes and the whole Christmas week issue. I really believe a paper trail is best!