cma, What you say gives me a little more confidence in this situation. I haven't received the green back from equifax either, but like I said earlier, I have received them from EX and TU. As it stands, everything I'm disputing has previously been verified a couple of times, and I cannot dispute online with experian anymore. I have now diputed everything with different reasons. Would you suggest faxing a letter intent to sue if I don't get a respose? As for the famous frivolous letter, how would you work around that? -Sal
As I have stated before, last mointh I disputed some with Efx. they are 2 states away, they did not sign for the letter for exactly 14 days, and then did not place the item in dispute for exactly 5 days.
I waited until today to CHOD those bast... errr, fine folks at the CRAs, whose only goal is to provide completely accurate information to other people. I was pretty amused by the "OMG, what is the absolutely official date to start CHOD???" threads. I know we're all banking on CHOD to help but as long as we overwhelm, let's not get caught up in which method is the best. Remember, just because it's CHOD, it don't make the Man give us what we want. I tried to re-dispute s/thing online with EX (worst CRA ever!) and it came back with a screen that said "We have previously investigated this item and it was verified. Send us more information" That took me to a (non-printer friendly) screen that I was supposed to print, handwrite the information and mail to them. Yeah, anything I can do to make your job easier, you Dutch heathens !! (No offense to my fine Nederlander CNers). In the meantime, give peace a chance. Hope it works for e/one, and if you start to doubt, look at the top of the CN page - "Power to the People". CHOD on, Garth! CHOD on, Wayne!
I just checked our credit reports and everything is now normal. The disputes are in process. I hate to do it but I am going to check our credit reports every day until CHOD is over. My mind id still boggled that some disputes could have disappeared. How are you guys doing with CHOD ? I think that the disputes have to be active by now to be effective. Mail is picking up at the post office. A friend just got hired for temporary work to handle the XMAS load.
Sal, sorry it took so long to respond, I'm a little slow in doing so when I'm very busy. Some of this is virgin territory for me as I'm new to CHOD this year, although I inadvertantly had success last year when I happen to dispute things on my own. So what I would say is only my opinion, and may not work: Because you want to take advantage of CHOD and spoil thier delaying tactics, I would call them (try and find a back door customer service line by calling 1-800 info) to talk to a supervisor or manager regarding your specific issue. I've wasted hours talking with reps who think the FCRA is to thier benefit. After finding a supervisor, I spoke very specifically regarding the violations that CSC (the affiliate I had to deal with for EQ) and what I wanted done, and acted like the conversation was being 'recorded'. She was helpful, but dismissive. I had already spent several hours developing a letter to fax with demands and violations citing I wanted resolution within 5 days. I hung up, faxed her, and she responded within 2 hours or so with total deletions that took effect immediately! Because this is a little bit different, I would expect the outcome only to be that the re-investigation would be started, but if you waited, you may have better success getting it deleted due to EQ not taking action within 30 days. Regarding the frivolous letter, I tend to get those alot from TU, but they always respond with a re-investigation if I don't respond to thier letter. But EQ is probably different. Again I would call and request why it was considered frivolous. If it's something like "asking to re-investigate 10 tradelines" then I would immediately resubmit two separate disputes with 5 on each. If it's because "these were re-investigated two months ago and verified" I would resubmit new disputes immediately citing new reasons to dispute and include verbiage citing FCRA that they must re-investigate. If they still fail, follow up with an intent to sue. In my humble opinion, I don't think there is a quick fix to it other than a phone call. I've heard that some creditnetters sometimes have success via the phone and acting dumb to get the re-investigation started or items deleted. One thing to remember from my experience, if you call and don't get the answer you want, wait a few hours and call again. Talk to someone different. Do this until you get what you want. If all else fails, a very strongly worded intent to sue citing violations will definately get thier attention and get the results you want, although it may take a month or so. I hope some of this helps. I am still waiting for EQ to respond to my disputes. I sent several in for myself and my wife on 11/21, and 11/26. I've tracked them and they've been delivered to the post office, but I still haven't gotten the green cards back. So if I have the 'frivolous' issue, I'll post and let you know what I'm going to do.
as a ps to the last post. if you call, don't call during lunch time. and record the call for your own peace of mind.
Mike, Thanks for the input - sounds like you have some of the best approachs I've heard yet on how to deal with these agencies. As for me, I have now seen half my disputes begin, so I will just wait a day or two more and see if the rest pops up - If not I will do as you told me. -Sal
No green cards yet, but EQ is showing my disputes. Go Chod, Go Chod, It's your birthday , It's your birthday!
OK, I've got a good one. According to USPS website, EX received my disputes on 11/29. The green cards are stamped 12/3. Good one, EX.
Maybe they (the certified paper thingie that is) were delivered to the po box 11/29 but signed for on 12/3?????