CHOD - official start date?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PAE, Oct 21, 2002.

  1. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    There are several dates having been bandied about and I'm not sure everyone is comparing apples to apples.

    I've been leaning toward the 25th of Nov to MAIL the disputes with the intention of getting them ENTERED into the system 11/29 or ideally 12/2.

    That's the route I've decided to go because if they are entered a day or two later, that's fine. But I defintely don't want them delayed any more than that.

    TU, in particular, tries to stretch a few extra "getting it in the system" days as it is. If they get it in the system on Friday Dec 6, they could easily stretch the resolution to Jan 8th or 9th which probably wouldn't be a good result.

    They've done this stretching before. No, it's not legal, but I doubt there's a court in the land that's going to side with me if I pressed the issue of them using 33 days instead of 30 at Christmastime.


  2. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    I guess this is where the controversy lies. Maybe I just don't understand:

    I can no longer call in a dispute to CSC/EQ. They stopped that. I also cant dispute with them online because the affiliate doesn't offer such a service. So, I have to send a dispute via fax or CRRR. Those are my only 2 choices. If I send it by fax, it may take them a week to get it in dispute. Why would it be different for CRRR? Are you assuming that the 30 day clock will begin the second they receive and sign for it? That has not been my experience.

    Now with TU, if I dispute online (and I have never done it another way), the dispute begins that day. A rep told me last week that it can take them a week to get the paperwork off of the website, but the clock starts ticking when you hit submit. In the case of TU, I am thinking it would be better to do it online. If you send it CRRR, it seems pretty open ended as to what date will be designated as the official start date.

    Exp also starts it immediately on an online dispute; however, all of my accounts have been disputed more than twice so that is not an option for me. It has to go CRRR or phone. I have had them really drag their heels on a CRRR dispute.

    My biggest question is "Are we gaining any ground by sending it CRRR? Is the actual shuffle of the paper going to slow down the process?' My opinion is "no, it won't." I think you run a bigger risk of getting it stalled upfront and missing the timing on a prime opportunity.
  3. hockeymom

    hockeymom Well-Known Member

    I'm with the 12/3 group--trying to take avantage of Christmas and New years.

    Now I just need to figure out when I need to mail them from MI to make sure they get there. :)
  4. ts766

    ts766 Active Member

    If I may please allow me to make a few comments here. As I stated in earlier posts I am a call center manager. The call centers for the bureaus are no different than the one I manage.

    First of all, attrition is VERY high, and the call off rate is high. On an average day I have about 10-15% call off rate. I manage a 200 seat call so on any given day I have about 20 call offs. My out is better because I can transfer 30% of my call volume to a third party vendor, Convergys. So I don't take a hit on my productivity. I basically dump on them when I get a high call volume.

    Most call center agents save their time for November and December, and the call off rate jumps to about 25%, so have about 45-50 call offs. The funny part is the rest would like to call off but cannot because they probably have attendance issues and will get terminated.

    Now with that being said, and the more I think about CHOD, I know it will work. Due to ASA (Average Speed of Answer) They have to have enough agents to handle call volume and their back office functions.
    When I called the bureaus to question "investigations" I was told some companies can handle their investigations online. The large ones like Citi, Discover, Capitol One have access to Experians online dispute system. That is why they are almost impossible to have them removed. The funny thing is I disputed Cap One on my Equifax report a few years ago, and it was removed during CHOD. I don't know if Equifax uses an online dispute system or not. It was never reinserted in my credit file.

    I know this to be true because the Cap one Charge off that I disputed, was was verified on my Experian report. The outcome was it was verified. I figured I would ask for proceedures and guess what? They sent me a copy of the screen print Cap One verified the information. Also this explains how they were able to verify the tradeline so quickly. It has a lot of information, more than name and address. It has the date the account charged off, interest accrued since that date, credit line, and the default interest rate. So I let Capitol One age the 7 years and it fell off my report this summer.

    If my memory serves me correctly, weren't all three fined for having high hold time a few years ago? I think Equifax was caught and fined first.

    I am sure others on this board work in some sort of call center enviornment, if so, they know what I am talking about.

    Bottom line, if you have an understanding of call center metrics, CHOD makes perfect sense, and should work in most cases.

    Just my .02 cents. If there are others that work in a call center please provide input.
  5. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    I've been looking at their financial situation.

    EFX has lost value over the last quarter and I expect they will continue to do so. They probably aren't going to hire more help during the holidays because it doesn't make sense to do so.

    Likewise GUS.L is slowly rising only due to their online catalog sale, EXP is a weak link for them and I doubt that they will hire extra help over the holidays.

    No info available for TU but I expect they are in the same boat.


    Most Creditors are going to be slammed during this time frame so even if the CRA does hire more help that doesn't guarantee that they will get a response to the dispute from the creditor.


    I still think that the target date is best 12/2 or 12/3

  6. RoundLake

    RoundLake Well-Known Member

    bump - this is a good thread.

    I have just reread, and have decided that the 12-2 0r 12-3 timeframe is best for them to receive a dispute.

  7. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    The more I think about it, the more I like it...

    after X-Mas they will be slammed with catch-up and boom! five days later another holiday..

    Lot's of consumers apply for new credit during the holidays and the OCs encourage it.

    I just don't see how they will be able to veryify much at all.

    BUT, if something IS verified you can then request the procedures and 50/50 you'll get a deletion then.

    I still like 12/3 or so...

  8. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

    is this 12/3 ship date or 12/3 expected receive date?

  9. UNLV34

    UNLV34 Well-Known Member

    I am sending 2 rounds of CHOD, one set around the 22nd and the other on the 29th. I was talking to a TU Supervisor last week and he stated all mailed in request will take 3-5 business days to process into the system once received from the PO. I was checking my addy dispute and started a friendly convo with this person.

    EX and EQ may have a different timetable, but I doubt it seriously.

    Just my thoughts ...

    Good luck to everyone.

  10. lefty44

    lefty44 Well-Known Member

    I don't wanna miss CHOD, but I just mailed in my first round last week. UNLV, can a person send in a 2nd round disputing different tradelines while still having 1st round tradelines in dispute? No negative connotation?
  11. UNLV34

    UNLV34 Well-Known Member

    Hey Lefty,

    I spoke with a TU Supervisor last Thursday (I was disputing addy via telephone). I played dumb regarding disputing and asked is it possible to have multiple disputes during an active dispute. I was told that a person can have multiple disputes as long as they are different disputes. They have to investigate each set of dispute within 30 days of submitting. I would probably wait 30 days for the 1st set of disputes to complete normally, however for CHOD, I know that they will be swamped (based on the Supervisor's comments). So, I am sending EX and EQ sets of disputes a 7-10 days apart. I am sending TU disputes on the 29th only.

    I think I read a thread somewhere that TU is adding 15 days extra for new disputes while the first one is pending. I am not sure if this info was correct, but I am playing TU safe with only 1 set of disputes.

  12. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Well, I have to admit, I sent my first round out yesterday! Those certified letters were burning holes on my desk! All the numbers dates, day counts you guys gave made my head swim!

    My theory is, send now and take advantage of the Turkey Day holiday, and buy myself time to do a second round taking advantage of Christmas and New Years.

    (I also factored in the biggest shopping day of the year - the day after Tday! This will then allow me to use the 2nd biggest shopping day right after Christmas - when all those OC's are getting bombarded with return credits).

    257.685% interest - the price for lousy credit
    $26.52 - 6 CRRR CHOD letters

    Even one cemented TL deleted - PRICELESS
  13. nickpaige

    nickpaige Well-Known Member

    We need to make a concerted effort here folks. 12/2 sounds like a great arrival date which means a send date of 11/29. 12/2 means 30 days is New Years. I would agree that the fundamental benefit of CHOD is sheer volume vs a difference of a day. Also, the snail mail might also be delayed because of influx of holiday cards being sent. Perhaps that can delay things also. Just my thoughts.
  14. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Ok, I will send some more on Designated Day (DDay?), just to help clog the system.
  15. RoundLake

    RoundLake Well-Known Member

    We are already spending $4.42 - maybe it is worth the approximate $9.95 to send Express Mail (Overnight)? You get delivery confirmation with Express Mail, I believe.

    With this method one could precisely control when they receive the shipment. Seems like 12/03 would be the most advantageous from the CHOD perspective.

  16. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

    cliff - fyi

    the post office raised their basicrate on the express mail to $13.65
  17. Fuba

    Fuba Well-Known Member

    I heard that the UPS driver to TU, EQ, and EXP, just delivered a big shipment of paper shredders. Seems they have their answer to CHOD induced volume.
  18. chitchat

    chitchat Well-Known Member

    Your right UNLV34,

    You can have multiply disputes as long as there different disputes..

    I'm on my way, sent in first round of disputes today. CRRR to Experian - those B*&t*&#s, I sent in a long line of disputes on Oct. 20, it took almost a week and a 1/2 to get the green card back, but one day after receiving it I got a nice little note saying that they could not verify my dispute because they didn't know what I wanted done... So I just kindly waited to send them my reply which it will make 30days, I copied the 1st letter as item A, with the details of my dispute, because it was spelled out what I wanted done, along with a copy of my CRRR that was signed, small claim paper, letting them know I will be filing a lawsuit if all items are not removed...hehehe
  19. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    Is it that time already? I better get my butt in gear and start writing my disputes up for me and hubby!
  20. UNLV34

    UNLV34 Well-Known Member

    I also agree with everyone on here about the 12/03 received CHOD date. I am sending round 1 disputes today to all three. Then I am sending round 2 disputes to all three on the 23rd, and finally round 3 disputes to all three on the 29th. The last round should arrive around Dec. 3rd, so hopefully timing is everything. I am sending my hardest items on the 29th.


    EQ 446 (Fico)
    EX 559
    TU 418 (Fico)

    "If I move to ATL, I am going to Layeth the Smacketh Down on EQ" ...

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