I'm going to go for it for hubby just after Thanksgiving, but the problem is, not only does his report show a bk7, it also shows about 8 "included in bk" notations. I was thinking about disputing all of them in one letter since they all pertain to the bk7 and he will be stating it is "not mine". Input, thoughts, please? Thanks! L
But, on the other hand, you don't want to send more than one letter, especially since it all pertains to the BK, because it would allow the CRA to take the extra 15 days. That's something else to think about too. I think in this case, I may just do them all in one letter. JMHO!!
How did the tradelines get the "included in BK" notation? Have you disputed all 7 of these before and the OC &/or CA updated the tradelines, adding the included in BK notation when the CRA contacted them? Or did they just appear that way without any action on your part, when the OC or CA received notice of your discharge?
I plan to dispute BK and all related accounts with Exp and Equifax in one dispute. It will be 4 disputes on each. I have been working on "included in bk" accounts on all reports over the past few months and I only have a few left on each. You do have time to dispute some of the "included in bk" accounts and then do CHOD on all remaining accts.
Christi, I have done the same thing you did--"included in bk" items first then the public record. I have some really tough ones though. Any tricks on how you got the majority of yours deleted? Maybe I can try something new!
I have a few tough ones also. I don't have any special trick, I just continue to dispute as "not mine" and hope eventually they won't verify. Exp is really difficult though. I don't think they even reinvestigate. My latest disputes were verified very quickly and when I went to check results, the accts. were listed as "remains". For TU I disputed all "included in BK" as "not mine" I still had few left when I disputed the actual BK. The BK was deleted about a week ago. I still have 4 left to dispute. I am hoping CHOD will help and the fact there is no public record listed.
I thought TU would be the easiest on the public record because it is listed SO POORLY! It has been "verified" twice. I disputed as "I never filed a bk w/ 0 assets & 0 liabilites. As you can see, I am not the plaintiff that is listed." Anything different from your end on the bk and TU? I had my bk deleted off of EXP about 4 months ago. Don't ask me how because it was my one and only dispute through Jack Scrold's office. It was their deletion, not mine. Maybe they just got lucky too.