CHOD Question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by charlieslex, Nov 17, 2002.

  1. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I know that I tell people not to ask redundant questions without 1st searching, BUT I have the flu and am pretty lazy today. What if you dispute a previously disputed item from about 4 months ago and tried again via phone and the CRA refuses to dispute because it has already been disputed. What avenue would it be best to go for CHOD to work? I have one reinsertion on EX and 1 neg on TU and EQ. The reinsertion I thought about trying to dispute before I send them an intent to sue. It would be easier and less time consuming. Go ahead and slam me for asking without searching, but have you looked at all the CHOD posts? Thanks! ;) Charlie
  2. Fuba

    Fuba Well-Known Member

    You didn't say how you disputed this item so perhaps you can dispute in another manner. What you will have to do is to find another angle to hit them with.

    By the way, did you validate this tradeline? If not, you may want to pursue that avenue first.
  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I tried other dispute avenues and EX and EQ wouldn't do an investigation via phone. I really wanted to wait and see what CHOD could do before I continued, because I've been really busy with work, school and trying to sell a business. I want to wait for validation until after CHOD. After the reinsertion, I got a package from the OC with everything to validate the debt, but nothing from EX. I know the steps, but I want to get them off during CHOD if possible. If not, then I'll go thru the process. Charlie
  4. ryder

    ryder Well-Known Member

    Just keep disputing, even if the accounts have been "verified", it really doesn't matter. Like the "frivolous" or "you are using a credit repair company" claims, the "verified" is just another tactic they use to blow you off and discourage you.

    Consider changing your tactics just as they do. Some of the things I have done:

    1) Ask them to "re-investigate" and this time request that they give you the names and phone numbers of the people with whom they confirm. State that you have also tried to contact the creditor, and that the creditor is unable to verify the account to you, so you need to know with whom they are confirming the information so that you too can contact them.

    2) Start your letter by disputing garbage information that you have never disputed before such as old employers, addresses or typos in your name, then dispute the "verified" accounts towards the end of your letter.

    3) Claim that you spoke to your creditor and they told you that they instructed the CRA in question to remove the derogatory information contained on the account. Question why they (the CRA) have not followed through with your creditor's request. Demand that they remove it.

    4) Claim that you think that an account may belong to a different family member who has the same first initial, last name and address as you. If you are John Smith living at 1001 Main Street, suggest that the account might belong to your sister Joan Smith, living at 1001 Main Street? Don't give them a SS#. This will lead them to believe that they may have a crossed file, a very common problem. My personal favorite.

    5) Write your disputes in plain English. Avoid mention of the FCRA and FDCPA. Don't use the terms "inaccurate", "dispute", etc... Tell them your accountant told you that you should send them a letter. Be polite, yet forceful at the same time. Send your letter CRRR.

    Does anyone have any other creative suggestions?
  5. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I didn't think of those new lies (#3 and #4). The only thing is my last name. There are 2 others in Texas (my 2 daughters), and only about 10 in the US. That'll really confuse em. Thanks! Charlie
  6. radi8

    radi8 Well-Known Member

    Could you cough a few times in the envelope?

    We'll start a pre-chod flu epidemic at the CRA's.
    Half the staff gone home sick...then the mail starts.

    Why not? they make me sick on a fairly regular basis.

    ...Hope you're feeling better, Charlieslex.

  7. Kpucha

    Kpucha Member

    LOL that sounds like a movie trailer!
  8. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    hehehe...who says they're lies? I think they are valid dispute points myself.
  9. nickpaige

    nickpaige Well-Known Member

    CHOD is set to kick off in seven days right? I've got my letters written and envelopes typed. CRRR and 30 days till the goal! :)

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