I've been away for quite a spell, hi to everyone. I don't know if CHOD is a big thing here anymore around here but I tried again this year with good results. Last year was bad during CHOD for me I didn't get any deletions. Maybe because I disputed so many tradelines so many times in 02 and 03 but out of the 3 cra's I got 5 deletions. Experian 3 disuputes-All remain 2 Crap ones and on AMEX (I guess Ex has a contract with these against deleting) Equifax 5 disputes 4 deletions AMEX remains (but falls off in sept ) AFS deleted (keeps coming back ) SAMs deleted Discover deleted prior paying history and marked paid as agreed (was payed c/o) CRAP one c/o DELETED Transunion 3 disputed 2 deleted Crap one (1)"verified" AMEX DELETED Crap one (2) DELETED All disputed by mail crrr. Good luck everybody!
Congratulations!! I don't think a lot of people made as big a deal of it this year, but it's good to know it still works and you got results. I hope you'll hang around more and post to help some others.
Last year CHOD was good for me too. Good to know it still works. A trick that has been working for me with Cap 1 is to dispute the amount of credit line. With a lot of my friends Cap 1 hasn't been responding, thus getting deletions.
I had 2 collections on Tu I went out on their web on 12/19 around a week later the collections diappeared. So immediately I thought it was credit keeper and that the collection would come back after 30 days but nope they were both removed way before the 30 days. Kinda wish I had disputed more lol.
Hi Kalinka, LTNS. Go with your procedural request now. Often works with TU. CRRR, of course. BM this thread and let us know what happens.