CHOD, The Basics, Am I Correct ?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by momma7, Oct 28, 2002.

  1. momma7

    momma7 Active Member

    I have been away for a little while. Wasn't here last year. I come back to CHOD discussions all over. I have searched and my poor tired eyes are about done for. Please tell me if I'm wrong or correct. Here's the way I understand it:
    1. Pick top 3 or 4 things to dispute [avoid to many as usual]
    [QUESTION:If an item has been "verified" before after an on-line dispute, do I send a letter requesting validation or dispute it again during CHOD ? This question mainly has to do w/ an incorrect Verizon acct.]

    2.Send 1 letter , signature required, per credit bureau w/ all the picked disputes
    [QUESTION: Is snail mail really better than on-line dispute ?]

    3. Most are aiming for start [signed for date] date to be Nov. 25th ?
    [QUESTION: Or is Nov. 25th the date you all are saying you are mailing them ? I'm sending from IN ]

    4. Mail to address that you have on credit report , as long as it is current [30 days or less].
    [Being in IN, I have to deal w/ CSC .... Any tips for CHOD and CSC ?]

    Any Do's or Don't's that I'm missing ?
    Experiences w/ Verizon Wirelesss , Homeside Lending , Best Buy credit card , Fleet or Discover during CHOD ?
  2. momma7

    momma7 Active Member

    Anyone ?
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    basically you have got it.

    i am in IN and I don't deal with CSC, so I didn't get that part.
  4. momma7

    momma7 Active Member

    I haven't tried to dispute w/ Equifax yet. But, I thought they were the one that would not let me dispute on-line. I thought I had to go through CSC .
    What address do you use for EQ ?
    Thanks for responding.
  5. momma7

    momma7 Active Member

    What address do you use for EQ ? [I'm in Indiana]
    Anyone else have any other comments on my post
    above ? I just want to be sure that I give it my best shot.
  6. Fuba

    Fuba Well-Known Member

    Chod on this, big 3

    If one were to dispute more than 2 items, would I send in separate disputes at the same time? i.e.: 3 envelopes to the big 3 for a total of 6 disputes?
  7. Fuba

    Fuba Well-Known Member

    Re: Chod on this, big 3


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