Circuit city visa/FNANB

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by trent1059, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. trent1059

    trent1059 Well-Known Member

    I just received my bill for Circuit city visa and a notice was enclosed that Bank One had purchased all of CC Visa accounts and as of Aug 22 I would be a Bank One customer.
    I have a BK on my file(CH-13). Will Bank One cancel my account because of the BK????
    What Can I expect from Bank One as far as service and CLI?
  2. Dulanic

    Dulanic Well-Known Member

    Nothing should change overall... FNANB still runs the cards, their just owned by Bank One now.
  3. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    and bank one got bought by jp morgan chase btw.

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