The new deceptive payment card from Chase and Circuit City. Pay bill online for years. Today they have a message you pay your bill online 5 days before it is due to not be charged 14.95 . where does it end.
What do they call the $14.95? If terms of an account are unacceptable, phase it out. They would rather have their competitor get your business.
Why don't you drop the president of Chase a note, asking him why, if they can process and post a payment by snail mail on the date received, in this modern, internet connected world, they can't do the same with payments sent electronically. Appeal to his pride, or lack of it.
Interest free have 6 months to go. But going to pay thru my bank 2 day posting screw them. Just thought some other people did not read and they will get nailed.
It was Circuit city then they changed it to Visa. I dont care only have 6 months to go interest free. But I will do it online banking instead screw them
Store cards, or store related VISA or MC, tend to have poorer terms than direct VISA or MC, and more marketting of "teaser" terms. They seem to assume they have captive customers.
I have watched that. It is really bad for people who cant afford these scams, I really did not care I don't trust anyone that issues credit for Circuit City. The last credit card company Fnab was sued by the government over there practices with Circuit City. I caught the small message when I went to pay 9 days before it was due, It really did not have any bearing on me. Just thinking of someone who pays 2 days before due date.
The worst cases are "no interest for a year". What they are hoping, of course, is that the consumer will forget to pay off the full purchase before 1 year, and all the accrued interest will become due and payable. It is amazing how often somehow the last statement arrives late, or the payoff payment just misses the deadline. It's like trying to beat a carny.
Maybe we should do something about this. Not only to them but to all that do this. Maybe we could get something rolling like pouding companies with emails.
I have a circuit city card I pay online so i appreciate the info. However it doesnt let you set up payments that have a date in advance. I get paid on the 15th and thats when my bill is due so i always go on the day before to pay. guess i cant do that anymore! Of all my cards circuit city was the absolute worst when it came to making a deal so I could pay them the money i owed. every other company worked with me but them. I mean I was calling them to set up something because i wanted to make good and they were rude and even mean at times.
I do understand fully. Until last week I would pay them 2 days before the due date. Go in and read the new rules. They are the only company that I know that pulls these stunts. Do what I did. Go to the site and complain. Tell them when your bill is paid off you are canceling your card plus all any Chase cards you have, even if you don't have any. Chase is pulling the same thing FNAB did and was class action sued for things like this. FNAB sold out to CHASE HOW SURPRISING. I am in good financial shape but I do care of people getting taken advantage of. My purchase with them is interest free. I want to start a campaign. And have as many people with or without the card slam them at Chase.