I applied for the Citi AAdvantage card a few days after Christmas. Got denied due to the 2 judgments on EQ. When I found out that the judgments had deleted due to CHOD ::<<Glory to God>>:: I called them and asked for reconsideration. The rep was real nice. She gave me a fax number to send the new report to. They said I will hear something in 2-3 weeks. Oh how I would like to get my foot in the door with Citi! WISH ME THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love- If you're impatient like me call back tomorrow (or Monday) and tell them you wanted to make sure they got the fax for recon. While you're on the phone with them, if they got it, ask for a an update. Chances are if they need anyt more info they will ask then and tell you if you were approved. GOOD LUCK! KHM
Love Would you mind posting the fax number Citi gave you for faxing the reconsideration info? I have a feeling we're going to end up dealing with that and I want to be prepared. Thanks!