WOW, I just applied and they told me as soon as they verify my info they will give me a credit card with a limit of $9000??? Could I automatically convert this to the platinum card??? I never expected that high of a credit line. Thanks for all the help board, I am shocked. Hope they don't change there mind. Does this mean I can call and canel my Crooks Country Bank card now? I recently got a Chase Gold as well, 6000 dollar limit. Any help as far as converting the silver would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Matt
apply for both the gold and the silver at the same time. I repeat if you get one you will get the other!!
Do I need both to upgrade, or is a 9000 dollar credit limit enough to do that for me??? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Matt
Speaking of citi, Help fight Breast Cancer with this card... No idea on the scores or limits. I won't qualify yet, but thought I'd post a like.
I really don't want to use another inquiry, 9000 ought to be a good enought limit with my chase gold at 6000. I would like to make sure that I can upgrade to plat somehow, I really don't want the miles feature on the card, more interested in better rates and no annual fee. With such a high credit limit it should be possible, shouldn't it?? Matt Shocked at limit.......
If you reapply today you only get one..... You go into to their system so when it checks you it will show that you have already been pre approved.. My GF only got one, and I only got one... Kev you can never have too much credit...
That's funny MP$40..............really though, I do have the silver card. Got it a year and a half ago. Never used it though, just paid those damn fees. Anyway, it's a year and 1/2 old and I was going to keep it till year two, but I might just cancel it. Can't wait to call and harass their customer service one more time. I used to do it for fun about once a month, see if I could get anything free out of em. I think I will wait just to make sure I get my Citi card, then its over for them.
Matt, You should have NO PROBLEMS converting to Platinum. Don't worry.... If you re-apply for the Gold using the SAME info you put on the silver app....the chances of you getting approved again are HIGH. Don't worry....I did the same thing (submitted 2 apps in one day) and was only hit with ONE inquiry. Cross Country.....HA! ) They really have jokes... Fortunately I never had to carry their card. But it is understandable when you gotta do what you gotta do. Once your new Citi card(s) arrive, etc. call them and see about a BT rate. Then get as far away as possible from CCB.
Seems around 607 is the minimum, but they don't like recent derogs (2 years or newer) and large unpaid amounts of money. I had 608 and was initially denied, but a PF letter got me the silver, then I got the gold, combined those to Platinum select, and then got the World Platinum AAdvantage for a total of $15,000 in credit. If you're a smooth talker or writer (I choose writing) and you get denied, Citi actually listens. But those derogs can't be too recent. Steph
Thanks for the info board, I have taken everyones advice and applied for the gold as guys were right, approved for that one as well $9000 credit Thats a total of 18000 on two cards. Amazing if you ask me. I have really made a leap since reading this board. What a wonderful resource and a great group of people. To think, a year and a half ago I needed a co-signer on my auto lease, had to get a crappy CCB card and an Associates (had Providian and FCNB chargeoffs....don't ask). Now, after months of disputing and using various tips from you people I have greatly increased my credt scores and have gotten a Chase Gold 6000 cl, Citi AAsilver 9000cl, and added another not but a minute ago in the form of a Citi AAGold 9000cl. Hope I get them.........when I do I will be combining and converting to plat! First plat card I will have ever had. Once again, thanks to all, it has been a great couple months for me, as far as credit days go! $$MP40.....I'll let you know when I cancel the CCB, I'm going to badger their customer service dept about their product and then drop em like a bad habit. Matt I now see the light at the end of the bad credit tunnel.......
Cool Matt! Maybe you might consider putting your old CCB card in a frame and hanging it in your livingroom as a reminder. I'm sure seeing that card everyday will humble you and let you know where you can easily go back if you are NOT careful! ;-D Better can make a graduation from *SPH* plaque???? LOL..
Woohoo. Got a citibank world mc in april and just converted to platinum select. Just applied for AA silver after being denied an increase on my current card and was instantly approved for $5000. I'm trying to apply for the Gold like suggested but the damn server just went down! Wish me luck! Will consolidate and have one HUGE CL!
Direct: press "2" or "3" 1-301-733-5501 You can call customer service toll free (1-800-950-5114) and ask to be connected to the dept for checking the status of an application, as well. There are no analysts in this dept. but they decided whether your app. gets referred back to the credit dept. for a second look - so be nice to them. I always ask to speak to a supervisor for "re-evaluation", since I am on their automatic blacklist, and the supervisor refers my app to the credit dept.