Citi-Bank I got this warning

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Bill B, Nov 23, 2001.

  1. Bill B

    Bill B Well-Known Member

    A review of this account has shown recent high- risk activity. Please contact our Customer Service Unit at 1-800-950-5114.

    Has anyone ever got this logging into the account? I hope this doesnt mean intrest goes up..I took there offer for the BT at 7.9% till paid and owe 7.5k
  2. charlieome

    charlieome Member

    I just got this message a few days ago. Don't worry its their early warning dept. Once you call and enter in your acc info it will direct you to early warning. They will just verify your info/make sure you made the purchases/ and they might ask to call you back at the number they have for you.
  3. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Is it a security check?
  4. charlieome

    charlieome Member


    I just opened the account in October. They would not give me a BT offer so I decided to open a C2IT account (citibank also) and transfer the $ from my citibank to my C2IT account then transfer that to my bank account and pay stuff off.

    The lady I spoke with verified who I was and made sure I made the purchases and that the card was in my possesion. She said that if purchases are made on an account that do not reflect previous purchases or that don't seem like normal activity for the account it will be flagged and looked at. And since my account was brand new they had no idea what my spending habits were. They did not stop the transaction they just called later that afternoon and left a message and when I logged on to their site I got that message so I called. I have made several other large transfers and haven't received another call or message.
  5. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    charlieome, can you explain this a little more clearly? Are you saying that C2it you can move money from Citi card to C2it to bank account? Get a cahs advance in other words? If so, have you tried it? are there any fees? Is it treated like a cash advance or like a purchase?


  6. charlieome

    charlieome Member


    Yes I use it all the time its great! Its absolutely free (except if you request a check or something?). They do pull a DTC-inquiry mine was on EQ. What I do is transfer (called add cash) $XXXX from my citibank platinum card to my C2IT account. Then I either transfer that $XXXX to my bank account and just pay my stuff that way or you can link up your other credit cards to your C2IT account and just transfer the $XXXX that way. For example:

    I transfered $1000 from my citibank credit card to my C2IT account then transfered $600 to one credit card and $400 to another credit card.
    I transfered $1000 from citibank card to c2it account then transfered the $1000 to my bank account.

    There is amount of $ limits you can transfer per day but its very reasonable - I think it is $1000/day or $5000/ 4 days (something like that)
  7. charlieome

    charlieome Member

    Its treated as a purchase not a cash advance
  8. Bill B

    Bill B Well-Known Member

    My wife called them and it was to verify herself i guess..I also did the c2it the other night and get this.I messed up the expire date twice they say but they also called it a cash advance..Never bought anything online before with card.Used it maybe 3 times in stores..I use it on speedpass and BT's...She closed it out and sending us new card and #..This is good tho due to i cant find my key's....
  9. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Fantastic!! I already have the account, I've just always used yahoo paydirect because it was free.


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