Citi BBD does NOT work anymore!!!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MartysGirl, Jun 17, 2002.

  1. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    Just to let you guys know.. I done the Citi BDD. Today... I got a letter in the mail saying that I was denied b/c I had applied w/in 60-days.

    I got one instant approval on line and one "will contact you by mail." I haven't got the card in the mail yet. So... I don't know if it messed me up for both of the cards or not. I plan on calling them in the morning to see what the deal is.

    Just thought I would let you guys know.
  2. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Don't be silly.

    It is absurdly foolhardy for you to make such a call.

    You cannot accomplish anything except to self-inflict damage. Indeed, some people have even received (multiple) cards despite having received the letter you received. The only motivation for such a call is impatience.

    Wait to see what you get in the mail.

    *IF* you receive another rejection then you call them up and say you were approved online after having problems with the computer and submitting your app, what's the deal, where my card.
  3. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    That was my plan....I was going to give them the BS of having problems..... BUT..... I got an approval online..yada yada..
  4. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    ALSO.. my husband done the same thing. He got one approval online and one "we will contact you buy mail."
  5. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Why would you draw attention to yourself on the chance they did in fact issue you two cards despite the letter? What is it precisely you hope to accomplish by your telephone call?

    I don't understand what you are saying about your husband?

    How many INQs?
  6. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    I was told that IF you apply for more than one card (by Citibank). They will cancel BOTH of them. I thought I would call and see IF that is the case. If found this out when I applied and got an error message on the screen... anyway...that's another post.

    As for my husband. He applied and got an instant approval w/the Gold and will will contact you by mail with the silver. He done this Saturday.. it hasn't been long enough for them to send him a letter IF they are going to.

    They only pulled ONE INQ for both of us.
  7. CardKid

    CardKid Well-Known Member

    The maximum number of credit applications Citi will consider in a 60-day period is two. If you apply more than twice, the additional applications will not be considered and you will receive letters.

    With regard to your second application, it is being considered. Give it time.

  8. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    My first app.. I was approved for the Gold. Second app I got an error message. So I applied again and got a we will contact you by mail message. Maybe they are showing 3 app's in one day?

    That's why I called. I wanted to see IF that app that got the error message went through. The rep at 301-733-5501 told me NO. She told me to apply again (I didn't tell her that I was already approved for the Gold). So.. do you think that all 3 went through????

    ** My husband and I are only showing ONE Inq. **
  9. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    The person on the other end of the phone can't DO anything.

    So your phone call is not about getting anything accomplished, its about being impatient. I'm not being pissy, or personal ... I understand it and have been there myself, so don't take it in the wrong vein...but we both know that is the truth.

    People have received the EXACT same letter as you and received multiple cards afterwards. In some instances 4. People have also received nothing, although nobody has EVER reported an online instant followed by nothing. There is 1 and only 1 report of all apps being cancelled. That person applied 4 times and CALLED. Personally, I am still not convinced that is the case. Don't put too much stock in it. There are recent reports of getting one card and getting a letter. In case you haven't figured it out, the citibank computer system is crap.

    Don't call. Nothing but bad things can happen. Be patient. Wait to see what happens. If you get more rejection letters and no card then you call. Calling to find out if your app has been cancelled is an invitation for bad things to happen
  10. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    When I did the Citi BDD, both times I did it, I got about 4 denial letters saying "you've applied in 60 days yadda yadda", as well as ONE congrats your card will be there in 10 days, but I got TWO cards.

    I called BOTH times I got the we'll contact you by mail and gave them the AOL sob story, got booted, don't know if it went thru, can you check garbage.

    It's entirely up to you, but the LAST time I did the Citi BDD I expedited the process, cause the said they were sending me a letter requesting proof, but the woman said name a CC and limit, on my report as well as the monthly payment on my installment loan and she'll put it thru. Presto, got the card about 10 days later.

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