Citi BDD no longer works - help??

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Ender, Feb 14, 2002.

  1. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    I called Citi yesterday and found out I was approved for the Gold AA card.. with the limit of $8000. I also then inquired about the Silver AA.. doesn't show in their records.

    I received 2 letters in the mail, one from Gold AA and another from Silver AA last week.. said that I already applied for a card within 30 days.

    What I did online was apply for the Gold and Silver at the same time with 4 windows open, 2 of them for GOld and 2 for Silver. Appears as if ONLY the Gold went through..

    1. Did they just reject the silver?
    2. I asked if I could apply for the silver over the phone, they said I could. Would I still get the 30 day rejection letter AND would this be the same as applying online, meaning it would check the same CRAs? (figuring I got the gold so I would want them to check the same CRA, whichever it was.. either exp or eq to get approved)
    3. What is the purpose of the BDD double anyway? So I can get a free platinum card, right? Is there a min. limit for the plat? Do I already qualify?
    4. How bout if I turn the gold AA into platinum, then apply for the silver next month and move that limit over as well - is this possible?
  2. topazmoon

    topazmoon Well-Known Member

    I'm beginning to think Citi is catching on to our little trick. My roommate applied last month for a silver AA then a gold AA. She got the silver with a CL of $1000, but got the dreaded "we'll send you a letter" message. A week later, she was denied for the gold because she had applied for too many Citibank cards in the last 60 days...Huh?

    Since she only got a $1000 CL with a $45 annual fee, my roommate cancelled the card and applied and received a B of A Gold with a CL of $3000 and a Chase Gold with a CL of $6000. Citibank lost a good customer...oh well.
  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I applied online for the silver aa card on Jan 9th. I was immediately approved. I then immnediately applied for the gold and got instant approval on that also. When I got the cards, I combined the gold into the silver and converted to Plat select.

    I may try it again next month. Sam said when you do it a second time to apply for the gold first.
  4. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    Should I apply for the citi silver right now?
  5. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    always apply for both cards (gold first, then silver) at the same exact day. You may get both cards but never will get two inquiries.

    Gold has higher credit limit per approval.

    It would not be the wisest to apply for silver then gold, get silver, then deny gold. That would reduce the amount approved. I've always got a few more grand with gold AA than silver for some reason.
  6. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    You may even get 3 inquiries for the two apps!
  7. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    Yup, happened to me:(
  8. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    You may get three inquiries for one app too :)

    It depends if your criterion meet instant approval or you go through the manual review process.

    no fear, mbna likes to double whammy you as well.

    One would think the report could be stored somewhere and re-used with a little computer magic (duh). no excuse for this.

    Ask for a BT , you'll probably get a hardon from citi too.
  9. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    Citi will pull a hard inquiry for BT, I can confirm that one:(
  10. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I did a BT on-line a couple of days ago...they better NOT do a "HARD"...I'LL GIVE THEM AN EAR FULL!!!

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