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Citi BT % w/out hurting cred score?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DaveH, Mar 29, 2002.

  1. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    I have a 15,600 line on my new Plat Select card, 0% until 12/02.

    My question: How much can would you all suggest I use on this line without significantly dropping my credit score? I could use as little as needed, with the balance going on my largely untapped HELOC.

    I'm guessing not over about 40% to keep it safe?

    I have about $120K in total CC credit, spread over maybe 7-10 cards total between my wife and myself. Credit scores currently in 700s.

    TIA, Dave
  2. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    DaveH, What exactly is a HELOC? I understand the --LOC part. Please explain it to me. Thanks in advance. Charlie
  3. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    HE= Home Equity
  4. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I see says the blind man. Charlie
  5. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    I'd answer, but I see Momof3 beat me to it. :)

    Any informed feedback on this? TIA
  6. jsever

    jsever Well-Known Member

    Dave - I would guess, as you suggest, that anything up to about 40% would not hurt your score. One of the reasons for a lower score suggested by cras, is going over 50% of an available cl. I used to think that 50% related to total credit available, however found out recently that over 50% on a single cl is not good. Anyway, my two cents.
  7. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    Thanks JD, that's my guess too..

    Anyone have more info/experience/inside info to add?

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    If you have a 0.00% rate on PURCHASES and/or BT~~~HOW COULD YOU NOT "MAX" IT OUT???

    FLEET 0.00% "MAXED"
    CITIBANK 0.00% "MAXED"

    I make payments on-line the day after the bill is available...MORE THAN MINIMUM...

    I really CAN'T see a benefit to 40% or 50%~~~IT'S 0.00%!!!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    NOBODY really knows what happens to your score every day...

    Since you can make a LARGE payment and LOSE points...
    DELETE a collection and LOSE points...
    ADD a new account and GAIN points...


  10. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    I hear you George, but I know from experience that this factor isn't arbitrary.

    As I've posted before, my score dropped from the 700s to the 500s ONLY beecause I put $19K on a 0% Amex blue BT offer $20K line.)

    Were it not for the credit score issue, I'd certainly take the whole 15.6K
  11. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    My personal opinion is that saving money is more important than the score.
  12. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    It all depends, the other.

    I use credit aggressively, will be buying rental property, etc. and do not want to tube my score for the sake of a hundred in interest.

    No other thoughts on this question?
  13. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

  14. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    not giving up quite yet bump :)
  15. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    the silence is deafening bump...:)
  16. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    any other thoughts? I'm leaning towards just keeping $5,500 of the $15,6 balance on unless someone has convincing arguments that this is not necessary for protecting my score...
  17. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    sorry daveH - not ignoring you, I just don't know what to tell you. I don't know the magic %.
  18. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    thanks the other--I appreicate your reply, and I'm sure many others feel in the same boat--I certainly do. :)

    I suspect no one has anything like a magic #, but I thought perhaps others have epxeriences like I did with Amex that might shed more light on how this is likely to affect me.

    It really ticks me off that this isn't all more transparant, but that's a rant to which we can all relate, I reckon. :)

    Cheers, Dave

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