Citi Card Increases and Deals?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cherie, Dec 21, 2001.

  1. cherie

    cherie Well-Known Member

    If anyone knows? When does Citi Card do automatic credit line increases? I've checked the website and I don't get an automatice increase. Not yet anyway. I just see the boxes to pull an inquiry. Also I've read that some have gotten a BT Citi for life offer of 4.9%. Has anyone here recieved such an offer? How long were you a card holder before receiving the offer? His Citi we have had since June.. CL of 3500. BT'd 2600 @ 2.9 until 3/4/02 - current balance 2,150.
    Thanks Cherie
  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    If you're making big payments on that existing Citi card, you should be getting an increase any day now. Keep checking. I got my first one at 5 months. I would think they'd love to think you'll put regular charges on top of that BT, hehehe.
  3. cherie

    cherie Well-Known Member

    Actually, I've just been easing along with this card due to the 2.9% rate, I couldn't see making
    big payments to CITI when we have substantial other debts at 9.9%.. BUT I have just received a AT & T Platinum mail offer for 0% until Sept 02. I am thinking about applying and paying the remainder citi off with this card ( if approved). I wil have to do request a direct deposit check. then pay citi personally ( which we have never done), but I guess it will work.

    Off to work.. I will check back on this again this afternoon.

  4. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    at&t is citi. Writing a check from the same bank to the same bank (Universal->Citi) is kiting, and illegal.
  5. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member


    you missed the intent of her post. She knows that it is illegal. But how can they prove it, unless you transfers the same amount on both transactions.

    But she was smart enough, to first transfer it to her checking account and then pay Citi from her checking account.

    Great Plan....however, this will not help you get an increase, if Citi wants to see balances and online payments.
  6. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Click on the "credit line increase" button from accountonline. If you have been pre-approved for a increas, it will appear.

    They A/R TU for this exclusively.

    If they ask for more information, probably a denial.
    If they give you a reason, well there you go.

    My gf got two of these increases. It's still the wrong way to go about getting more credit from citi.

    I've been denied 5-10 times for increases, yet my credit has gone from $4000 to $21K on my card in less than a year.
  7. BigH

    BigH Guest

    If you do not know what KITING of checks is, why post inaccurate information on a public board. Telling people things are illegal when there is no
    basis in fact is foolish. If I write a check from XYZ
    bank to pay my car loan with XYZ bank, am I going
    to jail. Research or get a degree in accounting (yes,
    I do)

  8. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    doing a bt from one citi account to another is in violations of the terms of the account. However, that is not the definition of kiting.
  9. greyfox

    greyfox Well-Known Member

    "I've been denied 5-10 times for increases, yet my credit has gone from $4000 to $21K on my card in less than a year."

    So, how have you accomplished this? Inquiring minds want to know!
  10. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Reshod is right. And Citi reps know this, as well. Some will even tell you how to pay off a higher apr Citi account or split apr Citi account by doing this.

    I'm about to do this with my dad's Citi account with a 4.9% for life of transfer .
  11. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    greyfox: Apply for a new CITI AA card, then combine into your current limit.

    My credit score is mid-500's on TU, so i'll always be denied the piddly $1000 credit line increase, but my Equifax (630-669) is good enough to qualify for a new AA product..

    Apply for new, combine, wait a few months repeat.

    I have 21K on my prime+0.9% Citibank platinum select. Almost had the card for a year now.

    I'm shooting for 35K on the car by the end of 2002. We'll see.

    Couple points to note:
    1. Combining is considered a "line increase" on the receiving account.
    2. Combining will push the balance on the "combined-from" card to the primary rate on the receiving card. Cash Advances will go to purchase rate on the receiving card.
    3. Combining a day before payment becomes due will negate payment on the "combined-from" card.

    Applying for another card to combine with protocol:
    1. Ensure you have 1 citibank card opened/on report as open. AT&T counts as one.
    2. Apply for the gold AA and Silver AA on the same day. You take on inquiry hit for two possible credit lines.
    3. Combine before activating the AA cards to avoid payment of the Annual fee's.
    4. Wait a month or two.
    5. Repeat as necessary.

    It's quite simple, and effective.
  12. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    Just clicked for an increase on a 15k Platinum that's been open for about two years. Got another $2.5k.


    Got a BT offer at a perm rate of 6.9%. No 4.9%.


    Geez, at 4.9% I might just buy out the 12.8k left on my car loan...
  13. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    citi gave my fiance 5.9 for life of the bt.

    They will only offer me 6.9 for 6 months. Until they offer better, I'm not transferring. My highest right now is my fiance's 5.9 that I'm using.
  14. SD

    SD Well-Known Member


    I was approved for the Silver about two weeks ago. As soon as I found out I was approved, I went online and applied for the Gold like you suggested.

    Received a letter about 5 days ago stating that I had applied for the Silver already and that I would have to wait another 90 days before trying for another card. Doesn't that suck? I wonder if they're changing their rules?
  15. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Sam: Citi pulled Equifax on me last week when I filled out the online form to request a limit increase.
  16. mosdef

    mosdef Well-Known Member

    Can someone explain how this combining business works? What is the intent? Thanks.

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