CITI declined based on NO LAND LINE

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dgj77, May 28, 2004.

  1. dgj77

    dgj77 Well-Known Member

    I just spoke with a CITI rep, they said the bank's policy is to not extend credit to anyone w/o a land line. So F*** em.
    Chase has a cashbuilder card I would like to apply.
    Does anyone know whether Chase has the same policy.
    I got GMCARD, they took my cell #


  2. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    I got the same thing wen I applied to Gateway to buy a laptop. No land line, no laptop, so i told em they can go $crew themselves before I;ll do business with Qwest again.

    Funny thing is - if they want to get ahold of me, I am home and awake about 4 hours a day (when the lnd line would be useful). I have the cell phone in my pocket or nearby 24/7.

    With this policy they just stopped doing business with 20% of the US population (and the more affluent 20% at that).
  3. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member


    You of all people should know why they set up that policy... :)

    If they use a cell phone as your phone # on the account, it goes delinquent, and they send it to collections, the CA calls you on the cell phone, that's a $1,000.00 violation, for forcing the consumer to pay for the call without a meaningful disclosure of the debt collection purpose. :)

    Even you're free minutes are paid for by you, as a part of your rate plan (There is no such thing as a FREE MINUTE)
  4. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    There are services which allow you to use your internet connection for phone service, not sure if that would be able to be considered a land line by their system or not.

    You may be able to request reconsideration, are you a part of the areas which is affected by the portability; you may be able to argue that that cell phone # is now you're home #, under the FCC's number portability program.
  5. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Think a little guys. If you have not land line. include some relative tel as a home number and after approval and received the card. go to the website and change ur tel number to a cel phone o whatever u want. or just let it that way.
  6. dgj77

    dgj77 Well-Known Member

    I wonder if CHase does the same. And if I put my cell, do they actually dial the number to check what it is, or lookup in white pages?
  7. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    Nice try, but FDCPA does not apply to OC's. Citibank is an OC. The CA's violation does not affect the OC.

    That said, FICO itself gives statistics that only about 5% of accounts or fewer go to collections. With that statistic, Citibank is blanketly refusing to do business with 95% good accounts that will never go to collections because 5% will over something that is not credit related.

    They could use the same argument for not lending to people with blue eyes, brown hair, being over or under weight, living in even numbered zip codes and a host of other non-protected statuses in the Consumer Credit Protection Act. There are no statistics that i have ever heard of showing taht people with land lines are more liekely to default than people without (like the Insurance Industry's argument for using credit scores), so what is the reason for this idiotic policy?

    BTW, even though Citibank declined my account, that didn't stop them from pulling my credit again, AFTER they declined the account. I considered that a non-PP pull and collected $1000 for it.
  8. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member


    If they know, or should have known that the number was a cell phone number, and they provide it to their collection agency to use to contact you, then they could be held liable for their collection agency's violation.

    This will virtually become impossible for them to determine now that Wireless Number Portability is now a national thing.
  9. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: CITI declined based on NO LAND LINE

    I thinbk taht's stretching the concept of vicarious liability beyond recognition.
  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    If you have no land line. include some relative phone as a home number and after approval and receiving the card. go to the website and change your tel number to a cel phone or whatever u want. or just leave it that way.
    So how do you explain it to them when they tell you they called the No. you gave them and it was answered by Magies Pool Hall or Gerties Girdle Shop? ?
    >> >>lol


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