Citi- Friggen Joke

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ohnostuck, May 13, 2002.

  1. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    This AM I went to pay one of my citi bills that was due today (the 13th) I usually pay online so I log into card member central it wouldn't let me in. It said they were updating the site. So anyway, I call at 12:58. I get on the phone with Nancy at 1:07. She informs me that our payment was due at 1:00. WTF?????? Not one place on my bill does it state it must be paid by 1:00. Good ol' Nancy waived my late fee as a "one time late fee courtesy credit". I am PFBing. What a friggen joke.

    Mad in Michigan
  2. mj

    mj Well-Known Member

    Look on (a) the back of the statement or (b) in your Card Agreement.

    There will be language something like "payments will be credited on the date received, provided they are received prior to xx:xx pm, at the address shown on the front of the statement, payable with a check drawn on a US bank for funds in US dollars"

  3. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    If you look on the front of your bill....

    See where it says the name of your card (i.e. on mine it says, "CITI DIVIDEND PLATINUM SELECT CARD"

    Under that it says your account number...

    Then under that it says:

    Payment must be received by 1:00pm local time on xx/xx/xxxx

    Luckily they waved the fee for you. That's why I can't even be bothered. Just last week I practically started crying because my Providian payment was due on the 7th and I was sitting down that day at like 8pm paying all my bills on line when I realized it. I totally flipped out and immediately picked up the phone to see if I could pay over the phone. When I was listening to the automated account info, it said that I had no payment do! HUH? WHAT? WTF?? I just didn't get it....until I opened up my check book and saw that I had already paid them on 4/19! :-|

    I forgot to take the actual bill out of the stack of bills that needed to be paid. Woops!

    You know you can sign up for Auto Pay with Citibank. You can specify either to pay an amount, or pay the full amount, or pay the minimum. They will take the money out of your checking account on your due date. I have it set up like that on one of my Citi accounts to pay the mininum. Then what I usually do is send them a check for more money if I need to. But at least I can rest assure that the bill will never be late. I'm thinking about doing that with my other Citi account but right now I pay that through my credit union's bill pay. What's stupid is that (unless Citi improved their processing time) Citi will get their money faster if I do it through my bank that if I do it through their web site. Hey...whatever's cleaver.
  4. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member


    I spoke to a Citi rep one time and they said that accounts that have auto pay set up are favorable to them. I guess they have their own internal scoring system of your account (0-100) and accounts with auto pay get higher scores.
  5. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Really? Interesting...

    I almost always pay the day after the account closes, and the statement is available.
  6. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Pay twice per month , (sorry to nag), Never fails...

    I always pay the day the statement comes up for the min. payment amount. This leaves me the rest of the time to pay more.

    Never fails to pay twice :)

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    For some STUPID REASON, you can only pay twice per month...I pay just like sam...min. rounded to the nxt highest $100.00...then pay more a few days before the bill due date...
  8. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    If the online site is down, Citi CS is supposed to waive the over the phone fee. Call the online CS number to ask for this.

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