Citi Gold Card arrived after denial

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MikeG, Jan 7, 2002.

  1. MikeG

    MikeG Well-Known Member

    Well lookie here,

    My wife brings in the mail and there it is. My new Citi Gold card with a 5K limit. I am going to call right now to combine it with my Citi Sony card. This was truly an adventure. Receiving an Welcome letter and a denial letter on the same day. I am glad I laid low until the card arrived and did not draw attention to the account.

    This is almost like the old Capital One strategy to get a credit limt increase. Apply for a new card, wait three months and then combine; however, with Citi, you can combine instantly.


    Mike G.
  2. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    Just an FYI here - my hubby was approved early Saturday morning for the Silver AA and the Gold AA. I called today just to see if we needed to wait to get the cards to combine and was told NO! So we combined today, with no cards, just the print out from the approval.

    I didn't know if everyone knew about this option or not... instead of just the Platinum Select, you can switch it to a Dividend Platinum Select, which will earn you 1% back. Still no annual fee, but it has a variable APR. So if you're one to pay in full each month, this might be a better deal for you, since you'd get some $ back.

  3. MikeG

    MikeG Well-Known Member

    I just combined it w/ my Sony Card. Trying to get that big screen TV. :)

    Mike G.
  4. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Yes, I also prefer Citi Dividend over Plat Select!!.
  5. elsocete

    elsocete Active Member

    Citibank employees must still be hungover after New Years. I just posted a similar experience on another thread titled, "My Twisted Citibank Adventure.." about a similar experience.

    On the same day (1/7/2002) I received 5 pieces of citibank mail. One was a welcome approval letter for the Citibank Gold AA card. Three were denials for the AA gold card. Then one actually contained the AA gold card itself! I immediately called in and combined it with my current citi platinum.

    So remember folks, a denial from citibank isn't necessarily a denial. Give it a few days and see if anything else shows up.
  6. MikeG

    MikeG Well-Known Member

    Yes, I remember reading back during the original Citi AA craze started by roni reading similar posts of people receiving the card after denial.

    Mike G.
  7. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    stupid questions guys about when you combine the accounts.

    Do you activate the AA card?

    What number do you call for the conversion? The activation number? the number on the back of your old platinum card? the number on the back of your new AA card?

  8. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    1-800-950-5114 works good. Just tell them you changed your mind, combine, convert, etc. Citi is Uber nice to you.
  9. elsocete

    elsocete Active Member

    I called the 24hr customer support number on the back of my platinum card (I combined the AA silver and AA gold into my existing platinum). That number was (800) 950-5114.

    I did notice that the customer support number for the gold card was different, however I don't really think it matters which you call. Both times that I have attempted the combining, I met no resistence at all, which makes me believe that their customer reps do this all the time.
  10. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    the other,

    You don't have to activate the AA card(s). Call 1-800-950-5114 and tell them what you want to do wrt getting the Plat Select/Div. Plat Select.
  11. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys.

    I applied for my fiance and got the "We'll let you know" message.

    That was last week. I've keep hoping he'll get something in the mail soon.

    btw - his last credit limit increase on his plat. select took him from $6700 to $12,700. I was shocked. They almost doubled his limit. We did it online and had to fill out the form, so of course there was a hard inquiry involved. He doesn't have many inquiries.
  12. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    What was on your credit reports when each of you applied? What are the reasons that Citi will decline?
  13. MikeG

    MikeG Well-Known Member

    I think one of the only main reason Citi will decline is if you have had a charge off with them prior. There used to be talks of the Citi black list however there are some who got off that list.

    Outside of that, no serious current delinquencies and you should be ok.

    Mike G.
  14. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Mike when did you apply? Where did they send the card from? Which state are you in? Whats your blood type...JK LOL.

    I applied 12/20 (I actually got approved 12/28 though). I got a letter dated 12/29 saying expect your card in 7- 10 days. I CAN"T WAIT ANYMORE!!!
    If I balance transfer from Providian to Citi how long does it usually take to post to both accts.?
    Anyone know what their BT offers are? I am sooooo excited over this damn card, I get to do my very first BT EVER!!!LOL
  15. MikeG

    MikeG Well-Known Member

    I have read that it is a little difficult to get balance transfers immediately on Citi cards. I applied around the 20th also. Did you receive your letter about switching your pin number. My card came a few days after that.

    Mike G.
  16. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    All I received is the you have to wait another 7-10 days, letter. When I was approved the guy said it would be here by the 14th. ACK!
  17. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Re: Citi Gold Card arrived after de

    Mike G,

    I got a couple of charge-off accounts from Citibank back in 90s and I got approved all sorts of credit cards. Somehow my name is got off from the blacklist. I didn't get so lucky with Amex.


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