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Citi-offer #4??

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Ozzyburger, May 21, 2002.

  1. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    I just got my Citi statement and I have been charged no interest - I'm not complaining just trying to figure out why. Next to my purchases it says 'offer 4'.

    Anyone know what offer 4 is?? I wanna know if I have 0% for 6 months, 9 months or what. I'm afraid if I call they'll know they made some sort of mistake!!!

  2. ble103

    ble103 Well-Known Member

    This is a code indentifying the promotion rate that you are currently receiving. code 4 means 6 months code 5 means 12 months balance 2 means until the balance is paid-off. i am waiting to find out what 2,and 3 is.Does someone else has these 2 codes,and if so could you please post what kind of promotional rate offer you got.I do know ethier a 2 or 3 one of these is good for 9 months i just don't know which one it is yet.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    OFFER 4 IS 9 MONTHS @ 0.00%...I HAVE THAT ALSO...
  4. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    George - really??? I have 0% for 9 months?? No freakin' way...!!!! I did the BDD and had inquired about the introductory offer they were advertising and they said I wasn't eligible for that! Wonder why I'm eligible now??!!! This is really cool!!!!!

    I'm a happy camper now! =-)

  5. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I have Balance 2, 6.9% for 6 months

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  7. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    I got a couple of Citi and AT&T Universal Card BT offers until the balances is paid off and there is no transaction fee.

    Citi Sony Card and Dividend Card is 4.9% fixed BT No Fee
    AT&T Universal Card is 6.99% BT fixed BT No fee.

  8. ble103

    ble103 Well-Known Member

    Wait a minute these codes must be set according to what citibank card that you are carrying now i have a citibank drivers edge card does anyone has this card?Also if you got a promotional rate then does it match to what i have posted?These codes must be scrambled to what type of citibank card that you are carrying from citibank.I also have an at&t universal card,and i have a 5.9% until my balance is paid-off,and it is coded under balance 1.It would be nice to figure out every code to each citibank,or at&t cards promotional rate offers,and it code number reflecting the offer.
  9. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Is there some kind of secret hand shake I have to know in order to get a 0% BT rate, or at least a 6 or less for life BT????
  10. ble103

    ble103 Well-Known Member

    I think a person's credit score is tied to what offer that citibank will make too them.I don't think that citibank uses the so called FICO but rather they use their internal one because a persons score could be higher as far with a credit card scoring model with citibank rather then the FICO one.I think their internal one is rated from 1 to 100 meaning the higher the number the better the promotional rate offer that a person would receive.
  11. Herman

    Herman Well-Known Member

    My dividend-offer #4 which is 6.9% till Jan 03
    My Plat Select-offer #2 which is 3.9% for the life of the balance.

    Don't know why Citi give out different offer to different card acct.?

  12. Pinto

    Pinto Well-Known Member

    You will begin to see these offer code #'s more prominently, since Citi/AT&T accounts will now have the ability to have over ten different rates at the same time. Get ready to be more confused...
  13. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    I have a Citi AA World with a 3.9% for 6months offer OR a 4.9% til paid.

    A Citi Select with NO offer

    An ATT Universal (Citi affiliated) with a 6.9%offer
  14. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I feel like George. I did the bdd, combined to Plat select. CS refused a BT offer. I wrote a PFB letter. They refused a BT. So, I transferred my balance to the new AMex Delta. Citi card is in the sock drawer until they get a clue.
  15. Herman

    Herman Well-Known Member

    They told me the 6.9% is also available for purchase, but I didn't use it. I used Juniper instead because of the 0%.

    BTW, Juniper is no longer associated with CBT (issued Aspire ) thats the reason I accept their app over the phone.

  16. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    F.Y.I.~~~JUNIPER has "JACKED" their rates to like 16.99% (SEE OTHER POSTS ON THIS BOARD)
  17. Herman

    Herman Well-Known Member

    Thanks George!

  18. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    Both me and hubby got letters from Citi today. They've decided to lower the APR for new purchses to 5.9% through 3/1/02 plus offered 4.9% on bt's. Now I did get an email yesterday with the same BT offer... but I wonder now if my 0% is gonna change to reflect this??? or if the 0% is the #4 offer???

    Citi made a big deal of saying they're lowering (??) the rate without us having to ask them. But according to this letter, it sounds like they're upping my rate!!??... maybe it'll be the 0% and then go to the 5.9% until 3/1/03.

    Oh heck.. I'm gonna have to call them. I hope I don't make them notice an error and decide that I shouldn't have any deals.... I know.. I'm whimpy... I just goofed up with my new Fleet card.. thought I read it was 0% on BT's... but it's 8.9% on BT's... so now I'm extra leary because apparently I'm an idiot and can't read and comprehend credit card solicitation correctly.

  19. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    If you have a 0.00% offer now...what ever you have on there STAYS @ 0.00%...NEW stuff @ 4.9% and 5.9% will be charged at those rates...
    I would ask if you can just EXTEND the FREE 0.00% OFFER...COULDN'T HURT...

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