What are Citi's ninimum score requirements? Can you have a couple of negatives? They pull Ex in Texas, right? Thanks in advance Charlie
The Citi AA card is the best route to getting in the door with Citi. They have been approving applications in the low 600's from several on this board, including myself, for that particular card. Some derogs (i.e. lates, paid collections/COs) are okay, as long as they are two years out. Your mileage may vary, so don't take what I've written in stone. If you are approved for the Citi AA basic card (not "gold" and not "world"), then you should convert that to Platinum Select card with no annual fee. I would not apply for the Platinum Select directly. If you are denied, call 1-301-733-5501 and ask them to send you a letter with the two reason codes for the denial. Then, write a request for a reconsideration - explaining the two reason codes as best you can - and fax it in to the number they provide. Call the above number back, and ask to speak with a supervisor to explain why you think you should get a reconsideration. Again, your mileage may vary...
Thanks marci. It looks like I need to get a couple of lates off from last year. That's all I need. Charlie
Marci, I know you have a lot of experience with negotiation, so maybe you can give me some advice.... I applied for the Amazon credit account, d/b/a Citibank SD. I was declined. My TU (this is what they pulled in WI) has one derog left on it (a $500 collection account) and 4 positive revolving accts all of which are relatively new ( </= 1 year). TU score according to their formula is 623...Eloan says 632. Inquiries are KILLING me (just financed/insured a car). How would Citi look at this as far as a credit card? Seeing that I was declined by Amazon, I'm wondering if the criteria is similar for their branded credit cards. BTW, I sent a letter to Citi asking for reconsideration..we'll see what happens. Thx, matt.
I got a Citi AA Card, pulled TU score of 569. Was originally declined but sent a Planet Feed Back and was approved two days later. As someone said above, your mileage may vary. I tried the samething for a co-worker of mine who had the same scores and similar transunion items. He was denied both times.
oh, i forgot to mention i have a CITISD account for about a year too $1000 radioshack.com one when i applied. So thats $26K in citi credit, and i was shot down for a $200 line. Wow. Power to the system.
Exactly what I asked for 1k. Then I called them up after I got the card and requested an increase. I got another 1.5k increase over the phone and my rate lowered from 14.9 to 11.9.
I think that they pull EX in Texas, but someone that I know said they pulled TU on her. I checked millcbs and it was EX only. Did you try the BDD? Charlie
Never tried the BDD, but they do definately seem to pull TU. Most of the people I've talked to have had TU pulled for them as well. They pulled it for me. I upgraded to the Gold Citi AA recently, (their website said anyone with a Citi AA was eligible). They really only have two cards from what I understand now a days. The gold and Platnium cards..
Hi.. I live in SC and they pulled EQ on me. I was denied w/a 728 FICO at the time. I wrote to recon and was denied b/c of a CO on my CR (3 years old). They told me until it was paid they couldn't approve me. Get this.... this CO keep creeping up. I've been battling w/this companies since 1998. I told Citi all of this and offered to send them my police report and affidavit of Fraud and paper trail I had sent to this company about all of these problems. The lady in Recon. was such a bitch!! She told me that it didn't matter what proof I had!! AND... If that was all she was going to cut the phone call short!
Matt, Your profile sound good enough for an AA basic card. If you get denied, your profile seems good enough for a verbal or faxed request for reconsideration (make it compelling). There's no reason why they shouldn't give you a card with what you described.
What is the difference between Citi (as in Cit AA) and Citi USA (as in Citi HHonors) because www.citicards.com and www.citibankusa.com are two completely different sites!
Thanks marci for the info. I may wait on applying for a bit because I already have a couple new accounts out there at the moment (Target V, Crdt Union CC, Marshall Fields card) and don't want to have so many new accts showing on my reports. Plus, my auto loan didn't even hit yet and once that does, I'm afraid my scores will be assaulted. We'll wait and see how things pan out in the next month before taking the Citi dive. Thanks again, Matt.
Citi and Citi USA are definitely two different companies wrt credit card accounts, though they do fall under the same parent company, CitiGroup. I have Citi and Citi USA Hhonors cards. Their customer service depts. are entirely separate. Their credit dept is entirely separate as well. Citi USA is based out of Wilmington, DE whereas Citi is based in Sioux Falls, SD and Hagerstown, MD. Citibank, by far, is the more put together of the two. Citi USA is basically run like a small bank or credit union. Not sophisticated at all.
I sent Planetfeedback asking for recon...but I'm not sure I sent it to the right place. I used Citibank NA, which is the actual bank. Is Citigroup what I wanted for the card? May need to re-send. Thanks, L
Hmmm, maybe one could apply with citiusa and get approved even though one has a bad record with citi. Interesting. Thanks.
My wife just got approved for Citi with a score of 654 (EXP) and she has some late pay derogs and a paid collection but all were more than one year old. Her CL is $5000 with a 0% BT for one year and 9.9% rate after that which is her regular rate for charges and cash advances.