Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Momof3, Jan 7, 2002.

  1. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    As most of you know when you would request a credit line increase it was either automatic or you would get the form to fill out, we all knew this was a sign of denial don't bother right??

    Well now instead of getting that form you get an answer and it states why the denied you. It also stated they got info from Equifax, sooooo not sure but smells like a hard inquiry to me, but it never warned you.

    My account was fairly new and I always got the mesage your acount is too new blah blah, well this was a surprise and I didn't like it.

    Just a friendly warning.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  3. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    with Equifax ?? ROFL

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    B.T.W. nice to see you...


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    "I did NOT apply for another card"
  6. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    :) thanks GEORGE

    Congrats by the way with citi:)
  7. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    Last time I filled out limit increase application for my Citi Dividend Card and they denied me. They pulled hard inquiry from my TransUnion credit report. Citi will not approved your limit increase except the one increase limit without inquiry. In my experience, Citibank will increase from $500 to $1500.

  8. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    Well the thing that bothers me is prior you would fill in the little application where you knew they would pull, this was instant and they pulled, pretty deceptive and I am going to write and tell them that "if" this results in a hard inquiry:(
  9. greyfox

    greyfox Well-Known Member

    I believe it is a hard inquiry...mine was TU, and I got the letter, and was able to get a free TU report. I don't have any inquiries on TU, so I didn't dispute it.
  10. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member


    I am going to send them a lovely letter with my complaint. Old system you agreed to a credit report, this new concept you are not asked.
  11. greyfox

    greyfox Well-Known Member

    BTW, I should have added that AT%T has the exact same system...they pulled EQ, and all my inquiries are on EX, so I let it go.
  12. Beaker

    Beaker Well-Known Member

    OMG, I just stumbled onto this thread. This happened to me today! I just thought the "decline" message I got was due to the fact I upgraded my account recently, so I didn't read as closely as I should have. Momof3, I would be very interested to hear what Citi's response to this is! Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
  13. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    This just happened to me two weeks ago. I called to ask about a limit increase BUT I EXPLICITLY informed them that it was NOT worth a hard inq, that I absolutely WOULD NOT authorize a hard inquiry, and that if one was necessary to just forget it. "No, No", the CSR, Kimberly said, "a hard inq is not fact, looking at your history, no inquiry of any type is needed...I'll call you back in one hour." She calls back in one hour, gives me $3000 increase and I do a BT. The following week I find a new HARD inquiry on Experian. I send fax to Citi disputing it and receive a letter back this week telling me it stays and their explanation makes no sense as it doesn't apply whatsoever to what transpired in my case. In this letter they address me as though I was someone who applied for new credit and was denied...far from my situation. I would hope that Kimberly didn't intentionally LIE to me and that whoever replied to my letter just didn't have their glasses on or some such rather than for me to believe that their brain is toast (or jelly).
  14. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I got a REAL "PRE-APPROVED" $5,000 increase from FIRST USA...but when I did a BT...they did a "HARD"...even though the credit line already EXISTED FOR WEEKS!!!!
  15. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Hey, Mom, when you look at your report, let us know if there is an inquiry there, K?

    That would be a bitch - no more checking for surprises. :(
  16. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    mine still has the denial "form" as of right now..

    they only pull TU for me
  17. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I would make a BIG stink, call them tell them what happened, what you were told, and if they say "no we always pull an inquiry, blah blah blah" tell them to pull the recorded call from that day, then to remove the inquiry from your report immediately! Worked for me with Providian of all people.
  18. Herman

    Herman Well-Known Member

    Thanks Mom!

    Nice to see you...

  19. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member

    Something's wrong here!

    In Nov 2001 I finally signed up for C2It. The system gave me some bull&*@* about needing more info to verify my ID and address. Never mind the fact that I am an AU on my fiance's WorldMasterCard with same address AND they already have my SSN.

    Bang! A hard inquiry shows up! WTF!

    I call them straight away and they insist it was only a soft inquiry. Yadda, yadda. I INSIST it's showing as hard. We go 'round and 'round, getting nowhere.

    A month or so later, since I haven't logged, I can't recall my login and password. I call CS who tells me they'll delete the first account so I can sign up for a new one.

    I figure it's oky now since they "know who I am" (Even had me fax a current utility bill. Wow! Don't they even trust the CR they pulled?)

    Bang! Another hard inquiry! I'll be on the phone with them this morning having what my dear parted grandma would call a "natural born @$%&* fit!!!!"
  20. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    GreatScott!! If they are pulling CR's for everything, seems like they could update our cards - mine has been the same since October!!! doh.

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