Citibank AAdvantage for newbie

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sam, Nov 9, 2000.

  1. floatvalve

    floatvalve Guest

    RE: Citibank AAdvantage for ne


    They are not giving them out that easily. I just applied and got the old "we'll process your app within 30 days" notice. You must have better credit than you think!!!

    Thanks to you I have another Inquiry I don't need!:)
  2. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    RE: Sam,

    Yes, I know not everyone here as bad credit. Some of us here like DAve has credit scores high in the 700's. I think it was the giving out like "candy" that started the whole thing leading to 20 responses. Unfortunately you have to be careful what you post around here. TAKE It from ME. Not mad at you at all. Sorry you didnot get 2 checking accounts. Have you checked if someone put neg about you in chexsystem? Never no if someone commited fraud.

    sam wrote:
    thanks. lets drop the thread. sorry i brought it up, not everyone here has bad credit. i got disapproved for two checking accounts today if that makes some of you feel better. I'm sorry for the offense if anyone took it.
  3. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    RE: Both got

    For who? LOL

    floatvalve wrote:
    Thanks! By the way I make 98,000.00 washing dishes:)
  4. Doug

    Doug Well-Known Member

    RE: Citibank AAdvantage for ne

    One $250 credit line from aria out of 20 inquires in two months, I don't think so.
  5. dave

    dave Well-Known Member

    RE: My "attack"

    Yes, I may have a good credit score, but the reason I was so angry with Sam is the "giving away cards like candy." I got a CitiBank card not too long ago, and it was my first prime card since I started building my credit from scratch nearly a year ago. I was happy to be approved, as it shows progress in my building efforts. As you can see, I'm a very defensive person, so comments like that just set me off...

    Should I apologize? No, I have no intentions. I wrote it, and I mean it. Am I a mean, insensitive person? No. I just want credit products accurately portrayed, especially when I have it.
  6. Pat

    Pat Guest

    "lie your teeth out"

    Just one problem with misstating your income to obtain credit: it is felony mail fraud if by mail, and felony (federal) wire fraud if by phone or PC.
    If you default on the debt, and you lied about your income, Citibank may very well ask the US Attorney to prosecute you. Citibank has influence with the US Justice Dept, and fraud gets one years in federal prison.
  7. Pat

    Pat Guest

    I disagree, in part.

    Suggesting lying about income is unwise.

    The statement that Citibank is giving away credit cards like candy strikes me as a precise estimation. Citibank has great actuaries and marketing folks. They try to tempt consumers with credit limits just at the high reach of their credit/ income, just as one might tempt a child with candy.

    The goal is to hook consumers, get them to float thousands of dollars of debt @ 19%+, and make a huge profit.

    Some consumers will exceed their capacity and end up with charged off accounts, which will be repaid in part. Citibank will write off the losses for tax purposes.
  8. Pat

    Pat Guest


    to determine income, they will look at your federal tax return. if you didn't report income on the 1040, either:

    1. You didn't earn it and committed fraud with Citibank.

    2. You did earn it and committed tax fraud.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    RE: income

    Citibank now has access to I.R.S. records
  10. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    RE: My "attack"

    No offense taken. Those who deserve the credit, will get it, those who have burnt their bridges won't. I clearly indicated in my original post that no bad credit was present, and this "sub-prime" imo card was easy to get for those building credit, not rebuilding. Anyone who meets similar parameters, and those are pretty easy parameters to achieve, should get the card.

    Btw, how do you figure 19.8% is a prime card? Did they give you a lower interest rate off the bat? i'm thinking like 13.9% and less is prime in my book, 19.8% is highway robbery (ie capitalone).
  11. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    RE: "lie your teeth out&q

    btw, when asked for income, does it state "based on your 1040 tax income" or does it state "based on the last years tax return" or does it state "based on this weeks paycheck". I did not say "lie" anywhere, someone here stated lie. If one such person made %% of their salary on commision , and that week, their pay rate equaled 40K a year, then i believe it is truthful to say during the period in which they applied, they indeed made that much money. The app does not clearly state "average 1 year salary" or whatever. when filling out total income in the various fields, it can be assumed that the "current" income is at the time of application, and that fluctuations can occur in the pay rate, or should not be included are not disclosed in the application. Some peoples pay rates are flexible based upon factors other than 40 hours, hence your income could fluctuate, and therefore you must report "legally" what your "income" would be at the time of application, and not based upon a summed average of the past year, or based upon the previous tax return.

    anyways, don't lie, post the accurate income level , at the time of application, and hope your "income" at that time reflects your highest earning potential of the year, and of course for those in variable pay situations, hope your salary keeps going up in this :) great economy.
  12. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    RE: "lie your teeth out&q

    Oh come on man, dont waste anymore time on this. People are 100% responsible for their actions, and if they lie it is on them. If you lied it is your business. You guys are drawing this out longer than Gore/Bush.

  13. newcomer2

    newcomer2 Guest

    RE: income

    No Credit Card Company will look at your IRS records Or even Bother to go After You for an Amount like 2 Grand . Plus When It comes to income You can Clam Ur spouses income other sorts of Income that your not taxed on Over seas income while not being a resident in the US. etc . It's Plain Wrong to lie though, and who knows the actuall out comes of that . Good luck everyone .
  14. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    RE: My "attack"

    What is your beef with the citi card. Let me ask you this. You have 2 choices.
    A. Pull out a marble green Capital One card, or a blue Providian card (AS SEEN ON TV)
    B.Pull out a Gold Citibank Aadvantage.

    Sam, keep in mind, you lucked up and got a date with a beautiful supermodel. You are at the dinner table. She's really feeling you..The check comes........
    (I know you'd rather pull out a platinum or AMEX, but you aint got one)

    So choice A or B

    You know damn well you'd choke before presenting A. B is the obvious choice. I dont recall Citi putting my APR on the card. Plus, I have a grace period. I also have very good customer service. I am happy. If you want to continue to slyly slip your neg comments about the card to the board you can. It is a free country. But dont get upset when the new citi carriers on this board attack you like you stole a ballot box in Florida. Ok. You are just asking for a online ass wiping. LOL. No hard feelings. Just telling it like it 'T I S. You comments are always welcomed.


    sam wrote:
    No offense taken. Those who deserve the credit, will get it, those who have burnt their bridges won't. I clearly indicated in my original post that no bad credit was present, and this "sub-prime" imo card was easy to get for those building credit, not rebuilding. Anyone who meets similar parameters, and those are pretty easy parameters to achieve, should get the card.

    Btw, how do you figure 19.8% is a prime card? Did they give you a lower interest rate off the bat? i'm thinking like 13.9% and less is prime in my book, 19.8% is highway robbery (ie capitalone).
  15. the rock

    the rock Guest

    sam you win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sam you win! Your post attracted the most replies i have ever seen on this board.Your prize is a one week all expense paed vacation at roni's house.
  16. dave

    dave Well-Known Member

    RE: Interest rates do not indi

    Citibank is prime: period. My interest rate is much lower than 19.8%.

    More than half of AMEX cards have interest rates in the 18-19.8% range. Oh wait, AMEX must be sub-prime, too!!
  17. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    RE: Interest rates do not indi

    Hay dave, doesn't Prime sorta come from "Prime" Rate??

    Maybe i misunderstood the whole prime thing. But the prime rate is much lower than 18%, i know wachovia's visa's are REALLY close to the prime rate. Forgive me if i'm wrong but thats what i myself call prime cards, no doubt they are good cards, im all happy for having a citibank, but i'd rather have a wachovia "prime" card.
  18. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Let's Clarify

    Prime (prim) adj. 1. First in quality, importance, rank, or time.

    Prime Rate: The Prime Rate is the interest rate charged by banks to their most *creditworthy* customers (usually the most prominent and stable business customers). The rate is almost always the same amongst major banks. Adjustments to the prime rate are made by banks at the same time; although, the prime rate does not adjust on any regular basis. The rates reported below are based upon the prime rates on the first day of each respective month. Prime rate as of 5/17/2000 is 9.50%

    So, Citibank is considered by most as a "Prime" bank (according to the definition above). As far as their interest rates are concerned, does anyone have a card from Citibank w/ a 9.50% *Prime* interest rate??

    So, I am under the impression that you can be a "Prime" bank but not have *Prime* rates. What I find interesting is that people on this board consider Capital One as a "Sub Prime" bank but I noticed that their Platinum card has an interest rate of 9.9% fixed????? That's seems to be prime to me! All the rest of their cards APRs are highway robbery!

    I guess what it boils down to is what's most important to you: Your interest rate or the Prestige of your Bank. No one is going to care if you have a Prividian Platinum w/ a 9.9% interest rate because all they know is the name *Providian* and the stigma that surrounds the name, hence have people automatically assume that your credit is finished! Pull out the Am/Ex Optima Platinum card card w/ a 17.49% interest rate and people will assume that you have AAA credit! But what about that 17.49% interest rate though? Sure people have had it negotiated down but still...miss one payment with them and your APR just became 23.99% (the same as Prividian!). Just a thought....
  19. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    RE: Let's Clarify

    I agree totally. I think the original idea behind prime has been lost. Wachovia visa is prime + 1.50% for up to $2000, and over $2000 is PRIME rate. Called the Prime for Life card. What the big dogs wield when they have to carry a balance..

    I think of the amex platinum as a prestige card, since you have to pay back the balance in full every month, thats nice. But a prime charge card.
    i'd love to have one.
  20. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Guess what Sam.

    If that is what you wanna think Sam ,then my Citibank Gold is the best damn subprime card I ever got. And guess why? Cause no body thinks it is subprime but YOU. HaHaHa.

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