I have read the posts about Citibank. Is it true they verify phone listing. I do not have a phone listed in my name. Will I be denied for that if I apply over the web?
no they will probably write you and ask for a copy of the phone bill at the residence. This happened to my gf. She called and they said they just wanted proof of any phone bill with the # and address matching
No, they do not verify that. Just go and apply online, then wait two days and call to the New Accounts Dept in Maryland to check if everything is Ok.
That was about a year ago, Citibank called to your work place to verify your employment and look up directory assistance to verify your residency. I don't know right now they still have that policy. A year ago, I was applying for Click Credit Platinium Select Mastercard and got approve. From then I got Sony Citi Platinium Select Card and Dividend Card. You make sure you don't have any charge-off acoount with them and they will reject you automatically like American Express. Sometimes they will called you to make sure you have applied for the credit to prevent to get credit for you.
Re: What Card should I get? I suggest the Citibank AA advantage mastercard (silver or gold) Easiest to get, you only need 6-9 months of perfect credit to get a $1000-2000 or more line. You can then upgrade instantly to platinum select. If your credit is awesome , go for the citibank platinum select and you'll get a online balance transfer option. I don't recommend folks with tarnished credit to apply anymore as i haven't heard from a single person getting one recently with damaged credit. my gf got one after 6 months of cap1 secured+ macy's. my bro got one after 7 months of macys and parisians. Both make in the 40-50's, live at same addy for >1 year. Job >1 year, own recent late model cars(they ask!), have both checkings and savings, etc. Citi is very generous to those who deserve it, and used to be Extremely generous to folks who possibly didn't deserve it Good luck!
Yes, they call. In Sept2000 I got two citibank AA cards. For the gold card, they would not approve the card until I provided proof of a phone in my name. I had my phone unlisted. I called the phone company and had my number listed. Then I called Citi back and the rep verified the phone with directory assistance while I was on the phone and then she clicked back over and approved me on the spot. The alternative would have been me sending a copy of my phone bill. Doing what I did was quicker. For the classic(silver) card, I was approved on the internet instantly, but they called my place of employment about 2 weeks later to verify everything. I hope this information helps you.
Re: Yes, they call. Clickcredit is on-line credit card and there is no magenetic stripe on the back of the card. It is strctly used on the internet purchase and phone mail order. It give your 1 % cash rebate. I like Sony Citibank Card and it give your rewards points wowards Sony merchndis such TV, Playstation ,movie ticketes etc. I'm not a fan of frequrnt airline miles and it is entirely up to you. You can got to http://www.citibankcards .com and take a look.