Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Michael, Sep 29, 2000.

  1. Michael

    Michael Guest

    I know the subject came up a few days ago on one posting, but I did want to share with all of you that a recient application for one of my clients did get snaged up due to the fact that he did not have a phone listed in his own name with directory assistance.

    It seems that Citibank doesn't realize that some people now prefer just a cell phone that can go anywhere, as opposed to a land line.

    With Cell phone pricing getting so competitive it seems that having a home phone and cell phone is rather redundant!

    Anyway Citibank requires either the listing, or faxing a copy of a bill with the same address, and phone number as your billing address.

    Be prepared!
  2. Kirk

    Kirk Guest


    I just got the same thing with Capital One. Applied for their card about 2 weeks ago, called yesterday to check the status and was told that a letter had been mailed to me and they need confirmation of my phone number. I have an unlisted number so I'm gonna have to send them a copy of my bill.

  3. will

    will Active Member


    I got the same thing from Orchard, also.
  4. LadyCarr

    LadyCarr Guest


    Do Citibank still verify the number after they have given you an online approval?
  5. roni

    roni Well-Known Member


    No. Ladycarr. Only if they say "we need more time to process.....etc."
  6. LadyCarr

    LadyCarr Guest

    RE: Thanks Roni

    I'm still very anxious about the approval. I even called them, but I got no where. I'll just be patient and wait my 7-10 days.

    roni wrote:
    No. Ladycarr. Only if they say "we need more time to process.....etc."
  7. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    RE: Thanks Roni

    It takes them 2-3 days for your application to come onto their system. I know how you feel. I went through the same thing last weekend.
  8. Kirk

    Kirk Guest

    RE: Thanks Roni

    Just wanted to add my thanks for the tip on the AAdvantage card. My CRA history looks very similar to yours so I figured I'd give it a shot. Don't know the answer yet (more processing needed...), but I'm hoping. Anyway, even if I don't get the card thanks for all of your very informative posts. Take care.
  9. LadyCarr

    LadyCarr Guest

    RE: Roni

    Roni, I also tried for a second account, but wasn't quite as lucky. The second app wasn't an approval, it said that it was being processed and would get the results in the mail. I guess 1 10000 account was enough for us. I not complaining at all. :)
  10. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Just One More Final Point.....

    I want to make sure everyone applied/applies for the right card. Citibank has a shitload of cards at that site. To find the card that gave me instant approval, click the REWARDS cards and under that you will find the Citibank Aadvantage WORLD card. Do not apply for that one. To the left you will see the Citibank World Aadvantage, Platinum Aadvantage, Gold Aadvantage and CITIBANK ADDVANTAGE MASTERCARD. The plain Citibank advantage is the one you want. It is silver. If you feel lucky, apply for the gold also. Now I am done.
  11. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    The National Registry????

    Has anyone heard of this? It has popped up a few times for me. First time was when I opened up a DVD rental account @ I gave them my credit card information so that they could deduct the $19.95 fee and I also gave them my billing info. They sent me an email stating that the information found on some National registry didn't match the billing info that I gave them? It was resolved the following month somehow...I don't know how though????

    Then when I applied for my Washington Mutual secured card (through Associates of Delaware) they sent me a letter stating that everything was approved but I had to send them an ORIGINAL utility bill confirming my address. Then it stated that this was due to the information obtained from the National Registry. It gave an address and phone number for them but I can't find that information at the moment. Someone told me that you can call and have the information updated manually but to wait for it to update automatically may take a couple of years. I'm assuming that they still have my old address on file. I've been at my new address since 2/99.

    As soon as I find their address and number, I'll post it.

    So could this be the reason why people are having problems with Citibank and them verifying phone numbers, etc.???? Maybe when you try to apply on-line for instant approval one of the steps is to verify w/ this registry??? If it doesn't match, that's when they move the application for further processing? I'm just guessing....
  12. Saar

    Saar Banned

    RE: Roni

    You may get a letter like this from Citibank:

    "At the time of our review, our records indicated that you have recently applied for a Citibank bankcard. It is our policy to limit the number of applications an individual may submit for evaluation."

    I know Providian and Capital One have the same policy, and they don't allow submitting applications with less than 60-90 day-intervals from a previous application.

  13. Michael

    Michael Guest

    RE: The National Registry????

    It's a strong possibility, a friend of mine told me of an individual who had an account opened with SFNB and used the same address for 1 yr get caught up in a check on his address when applying for a credit card with them.
  14. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    RE: Roni

    Right Saar. That happened with my second Chase application. However I received 2 capital one cards when I applied at one time this month. One visa and One mastercard. I dont know why they told you that. I also spoke with the Citibank reps on Thursday and she said both cards were approved and on there way. So we will just keep our fingers crossed. The second that I get mine, I will let you all know. Believe me.
  15. Saar

    Saar Banned

    RE: The National Registry????

    Got caught doing what? If he received his SFNB statements and paid them then that is his address.

    And what were the consequences of him "getting caught" ?

  16. Michael

    Michael Guest

    RE: The National Registry????

    I don't mean getting caught (criminally) I meant caught up in buraucracy!

    In otherwords SFNB dosent care if you've been a client with same address for 5 yrs they still treat all credit apps as if your UNKNOWN to them!
  17. what?

    what? Guest

    RE: The National Registry????

    What exactly are you saying here? It doesn't make any sense.
  18. sbburn

    sbburn Guest

    RE: The National Registry????

    if you go to your local library, they can point you to a book that it updated every year with the names and addresses of everyone in the country. i first found out about this book from a cousin of mine that had lost my address.

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