citibank credit monitering service

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by michelle74, Nov 19, 2006.

  1. michelle74

    michelle74 Active Member

    Do these affect your score? I want to sign up for one and I dont know if its good or not? Thanks.
  2. direred

    direred Well-Known Member

    Credit monitoring services do not affect your score and are helpful in monitoring changes. I'm not sure about Citibank's, but I've used Amex's and TrueCredit.
  3. michelle74

    michelle74 Active Member

    Thanks I will check those out. Do you use both? Or one at a time?
  4. direred

    direred Well-Known Member

    I use both Amex's CreditSecure (which is through Experian) and TrueCredit. I've also used Equifax's CreditWatch in the past.
  5. kellypm

    kellypm New Member

    credit monitoring

    make sure the credit monitoring services monitor all three credit reports. Each of mine were different.
  6. jtc79

    jtc79 Well-Known Member

    I don't like Citibank, don't pay them for any services.

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