Citibank negotiation

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Julie, Apr 10, 2002.

  1. Julie

    Julie Member

    I called Citibank to see if I paid in full the amount owed $800, would they report "PAID AS AGREED" on my account and remove all negative notations. According to Ben, Citibank will report the account as current, PAID AS AGREED, but will not remove any negative notation off the account. This is their policy. Is this true? If so, what is the best I can hope to clear this account. Account is delinquent but not chargedoff or in collection. Thanks.
  2. star

    star Well-Known Member

    i had a judgement from them back in 92, they garnished wages until it was paid ($2000), then switched it to an R1 rating, paid as agreed, but it says "closed by grantor", it still on there 10 years later, but under a positive. I never asked them to do it, they just did.
  3. keepmine

    keepmine Well-Known Member

    If you can pay in full and avoid a chargeoff, do it. However the account is notated, it'll be a lot better than R9.
  4. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Most of what I hear about Citi is that they are decent about it if you pay them, mean as a snake if you don't.
  5. cfand3boyz

    cfand3boyz Well-Known Member

    They can be nasty to deal with. Even though I was never late with them they were nasty to me when I had financial difficulties back in 997. Paid them off and they were still giving me probs. Look like allhas been resolved now. Hope so anyway. I will never get mixed up with them again though.
  6. laurie33

    laurie33 Well-Known Member

    I just called them to try and negotiate a payment in full for deletion OR R1 and removal of negative info. The lady was horrible to me. "If you'd only paid $13 a month these last 70-some months you'd have had it paid off." Duh.....

    She told me they will report it as paid (or settled if I pay less, which she offered $100 off, thanks a lot). But that the govt. requires them to report the correct payment history blah, blah, blah.

    So do I call back and try to talk to someone else or just pay it and get it over with?

    If my credit is crap anyway, does it make a difference if it's "paid" or "settled"?

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