All, I filed a complaint with PFB about 1 1/2 weeks ago on not reporting the credit limit to Experian, which was affecting the "Credit Available." A representative from the "Office of the President" for Citibank (DAN) called and said that they have updated my credit posting for Credit used, which they did from 04/2002 to 07/2002. I thanked him for doing that but this is where it went down hill... I asked Dan why they are not posting my Credit Limit to Experian. They said it is there "POLICY" not to. WTF are they talking about. This is rediculous. My limit was stated $1XXXX from 08-2001 to 08-2001 and earlier. From 09-2001 to 03-2002 they reported $0. Talk about a messed up system. What options to I have?? All users here who have this issue should bombard the Citibank corporate offices with complaints (specifically legal complaints affecting credit). Lets start a movement to get this corrected. -Gavenraj
When did this start? My AT&T Univeral and my hubby's Citibank card all report the CLs on Experian, as they do on all our CR. With Experian I would recommend sending a letter along with a copy of your Citibank statement (black out any info you don't want them to see). Ask them to report the CL. I did this with Amex and it worked (although it took two times). Beware: They may also delete it - this is what happened to George, not too long ago. Also, if you want to make it real easy just go purchase an item that is right below your CL and return it the next day. Citibank should then report your high balance (which should be close to your CL) when they update your CR. It would help if these CCCs just played by the rules. We wouldn't all be running around with our heads cut off. Hope this helps. Dani
Hmmmmm sounds strange to me. Citi is reporting correctly on Equifax and TU, but it is way behind, and now shows N/A for credit limit on Experian. I have 756 score on Experian so who knows if it is afftecting me? Then I have to add the fact that my car loan never updates, Cap One doesn't report my limit, and Associates will not report the account as "closed," and I guess my score would be much higher (I know, it's a fake score, hehe, but it has to be affecting the real score).
Man, you and I are almost identical with this nonsense. My Equ and TU show the limits on my citi but are way behind. Exp just started reporting 7 months late and has NA for the credit limit. My new car loan just showed up on Exp. today. I lost 7 pts which it wouldn't have been if my old loan was showing as paid off, which it isn't. Cap 1 doesn't report my limit. And, DMB is showing as open, when I closed it over 1 year ago. I disputed it as closed at consumers request. TU and Equ. updated it as such. Exp. - verified. I then called DMB and they sent me a letter showing it as closed at my request. It is beginning to look like the Exp. affiliate didn't learn their lesson with me when I sued them. I am losing my patience with them again.
That's Experian fault. If Citibank reports to Equifax and TransUnion why would not they report to Experian?
I have CITIBANK PLAT SEL MC and on EXP...the CL everyday changes and for the past month, CL shows N/A...and high balance and balance are of status everyday changes, any where from 1/02 to 6/02....i believe it EXP...EQ and TR are correctly shown.....thanks Tony V. San Diego, Ca eq 752 exp 735 tr 677
That is amazing!! Actually, Equifax and TU are reporting up to date. AmEx is also up to date on Equifax and TU but it is really wierd on Experian. They re-reported in June, correct at that time, but showing as having been reported for 1 month, LOL. They have been reporting for a couple of years now. The car loan thing really ticks me off. If I dispute it, they update, but then Experian won't let me dispute it again.
I have the exact same thing going on now aswell, EQ and TU are fine but EXP is driving me up the wall the fact that they are not reporting CL the system thinks now I have 0% avalible credit and to top it off they are reporting a balance that was paid off 2 months ago but the report update shows 7/2002.Lost 21 points to this.
Experian and Citibank are driving me nuts, too. My score has fluctuated as much as 60 points in the last two weeks ALL because of Citibank. The list of infractions is too long to go into. I'm really fed up and I'd like to encourage all who are having this problem to bombard BOTH Citi and Experian with CRRR letters demanding that they put this right. Let's all send our letters around the same time...let's say one week from now-Monday Aug, 12th.
My citi acct opened Jan '02 and first reported on Exp. last week, has now updated the amount owed and date reported for the 3rd time. 1st showed as of 4/02 2 days later, as of 5/02 and today as of 6/02. And guess what? Still no limit.
My citi acct opened Jan '02 and first reported on Exp. last week, has now updated the amount owed and date reported for the 3rd time. 1st showed as of 4/02 2 days later, as of 5/02 and today as of 6/02. And guess what? Still no limit. I actually think this is Exp. I sent a PFB to Citi a few months back asking why it wasn't on Exp when it was on the others. They responded that they have reported to to Exp. but would do a manual update for me to get it showing. 3 months later it is showing. I will do another PFB to citi later telling them although I don't think it is their fault, would they report it again with the cl showing.
I was going to start a post on this subject but then decided to do a search first. I'm glad I did. This really ticks me off! It drives me crazy that my favorite MasterCard (CITI) is screwing around like this. I am seriously considering using a different card until Citi makes a commitment to reporting ACCURATELY AND IN A TIMELY FASHION. I hope that someone from Citi does monitor this board because this is a serious issue. I agree that everyone with this problem should write Citi and Exp. C
Not only does Citi report my AAdvantage MC with a CL of N/A, but on EXP, the account appears as a Mastercharge(!) Hello, MasterCard Int'l phased out the Mastercharge name over 20 YEARS AGO!
Do you have the World Card? It is like the AmEx charge cards - has no preset spending limit, so no limit is ever reported.
I refuse to upgrade to the World card for exactly this reason. Is it only the World card that reports this way? EdG
No. The regular Mastercard doesn't report a limit on EX either. It did for awhile but now says N/A. Just shows your high balance which in my case in inaccurate.
Is this a new thing? I pulled my EX last month and it was still reporting my limit. I'm going to ream someone if my cl no longer reports. EdG
Breeze, I upgraded to the Citi AA Gold World MC in May '02 after have a silver AA MC for 5 years (same credit line). Past 2 years I've been consistently paying down and was approved for a CL increase online to 5k in July. I use the card like hotcakes to get miles and usually pay what I've charged + $200 each month to bring down my balance (have racked up 30k miles since November between business travel & everyday expenses). I've read different posts about Citi reducing CL's based on usage. Is this factual? Or will high usage & paydowns increase my chances for another CL increase within a year (or 6 months?). ********** EXP 8/02 - 657 | 6/02 - 638 EQ 8/02 - 666 | 6/02 - 637 TU ? ********** next challenge: Student Loan derogs!