Citibank payment posted already

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sam, Apr 16, 2002.

  1. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Anyone notice the online payment system has sped up considerably lately? Initiated a payment on sunday at 9pm and its posted this morning.

    I don't recall citibank being that fast before..
  2. B-Down

    B-Down Well-Known Member

    I think they updated their system a few weeks ago. If you look at the screen right before you authorize payment, it'll show the next business day versus 3 business days out like the older system. I definitely prefer it, myself.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Next business day.
  4. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

    I noticed this a few weeks ago.

    All I can say it was long over due.
  5. lifetime

    lifetime Well-Known Member

    If you make a payment before 1pm est it post that same day.

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