Citibank Platinum Select?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Creditinsi, Jan 30, 2001.

  1. Creditinsi

    Creditinsi Guest

    Anybody know if Citibank is still approving individuals with less than perfect credit for their Platinum select card? I want to refer a few of my newsletter subscribers to apply but I want to make sure they're still giving us credit challenged people a chance. Anyone know? Thanks.

  2. Jim S.

    Jim S. Guest

    Citibank approved me for a platinum select before MBNA removed an account that didn't belong to me that had 2 60 day lates and 4 30 day lates, so yes (at least to a point).
  3. Saar

    Saar Banned

    It's always better to apply for the AAdvantage silver card. It has lower qualification standards, and if approved for a $1K-limit or more, can always be converted to a Platinum Select.

  4. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    As i posted down below, a few of my friends tried, with flat out denial.

    Their credit wasn't as bad as mine.

    Anyone else get it lately with major derogs?

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    No negatives...applied on line...DENIED

    Then was sent an "invitation"...DENIED
  6. marvin

    marvin Well-Known Member

    Just got my true FICO of 635, with no unpaid derogs, and I got the "we will be contacting you" screen. I assume it's a denial

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