Citibank pre-set limit what's up?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Brenda, Jan 15, 2002.

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  1. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Look have grammar problems I am disable"""Not crying"" Look for close to 20 year" first card in 83"" I guess 17/18 yrs. I ahave been dealing with CC. At one time my Household was over 100,000 Sister got married move,brother got married move.score go up and down it is low know because of 15 inquiries. Hey the only one I have to prove my 180 k to is the people I buy from. Who's Bobby. I did not know loc was short for line of credit. I did not come here to play jokes are flame. But the truth is I got so siuck nearly died could not keep a job,but borrow from peter to pay paul keep my credit payment in ok standard. Know I feeling better trying to start a Co with my cc and looking for full time work to pay the bill. I have what call muilti disable trouble learning read sickle cell,Joint problem. No joke it was sad at once not lieing dont want people to feel sorry just want you to understand. Not here to flame but to be Famous Brenda Diane Smith The filmmaker.
  2. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member


    That is very sad. I'm a nurse. Tell me more about your sickle cell. How often you have crises etc. I am studying this in school (going back for my Master's Degree) and would like some input from a "real" patient. Just curious..what is your race?
  3. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    I have Diners Club Card has no pre-set limit from Citibank and they approve your purchase based on your credit history,spending pattern,income.

  4. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    This is some bogus bull !!!

    You should not pretend that you have a sickness that truly affects others, that is really tasteless.

    I won't even bother to comment on your so-called "credit issues".

    Get a life because you are not funny!!!!

  5. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    I suffer from this sickness for years in pain to the point of I could not walk it would be sick for me to lie,evil to lie about . Make fun of my grammar call me a lie about my credit,but I suffer to long from sickle cell it isa a very painful illness and I would not joke about that are play games.You don't know me I don't know you . But you don't have to be mean. I know people who die over this My Grandmom sister, a friend baby I would be disrespecting there grave if I lie about having sickle cell. It is nothing to joke about lie about. To many of us are huring t over it.
  6. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Obviously you are LYING or you could give details about your illness. That is what I was trying to get at. You are sick for even suggesting you have something you don't have. Your credit issues are just as bogus as you are. I don't have time to mess with people like you. And to think...I wasted my time even replying and trying to help you this morning, when my suspicions already told me you were bogus based on your posts how they change and you forget what you've said.
  7. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Shut up I know you was trying to beat me. Sickle cell is a sickness that effect many black people also latin races to, how many times a year I get sick is not your business I have doctor for that. But a crissis is horrible pain that hurt are joint. Look . Who are you to call someone a l;ye because I want to tell you my race it was rude to ask are to tell you how many time a year I get sick. sickle attack are diffrent in every case some of us get sick a few time year alot more . How can you help no doctor has every help me.I think it is sick and evil of you to think I would lie about If you are a nurse I hope I never meet you when I get sick. Your a very evil sick person
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