Citibank "Reqirements?&qu

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Doreen, Mar 3, 2001.

  1. Doreen

    Doreen Guest

    Great Board!!!
    I am new here. I have a question. Looks like alot of you have had some success with citibank cards. I want a prime card. Here is how my credit bureau's look.

    Chase Mortgage
    Home Improvment Loan
    Opened 10-00
    No Lates

    Providian Gold Visa
    Opened 05-00
    2000.00 Line of Credit
    1800.00 Balance
    No Lates

    Jc Penny - Monogram Bank
    Opened 11-00
    500.00 Credit Line
    280.00 Balance
    No Lates

    Target - Retailers
    Opened 12-00
    300.00 Credit Line
    250.00 Balance
    No Lates

    Aria Visa Providian
    Opened 12-00
    1000.00 Credit Line
    900.00 Balance
    No lates

    (6) Inquires in last 6 months

    I want to balance transfer all of the above credit cards to a new prime card (citibank) would I get approved? I have no negitives or collections. Thanks for your help.
  2. ble103

    ble103 Guest

    Re: Citibank "Reqirements

    I doubt that citibank will approve you at this time.Reason you are nearly maxed out on your credit card accounts,and this isn't good at all.You need get all of your accounts down to 50% used then citibank will likely approve you for one of their cards.
  3. Doreen

    Doreen Guest

    Re: Citibank "Reqirements

    Thanks ble103, but I want to transfer "all" the balances on to a new low rate card.
  4. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Re: Citibank "Reqirements

    I think you have a high balance in your credit cards and Citibank score your credit it nay say that debt to income ratio is too high. You must pay down your balance in your credit card before you apply Citibank.
  5. AnnMarie

    AnnMarie Well-Known Member

    Re: Citibank "Reqirements

    Right....I just got a line increase from Citi (but they won't reduce my interest due to being over the limit several months ago) BUT my husband was denied an increase due to high balances on other debts, apparently that is very important to them
  6. Doreen

    Doreen Guest

    But my income high?

    My income is high $80,000 year, so would debt to income ratios be taken into consideration?
  7. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Citibank

    Doreen wrote:
    "Thanks ble103, but I want to transfer 'all' the balances on to a new low rate card."

    I believe what he said was that you won't GET any new card to which you'd be able to transfer the balance, without lowering your debt ratio first. Having such a high ratio normally represents a very high credit risk, one that by definition is less likely to get a prime card.

    Work on your ratios to get a better chance of prime card approval. "Banks will only extend credit to those who probably don't need it" - ironic but, to some extent, true.

    Good luck!

  8. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Re: Citibank

    one way to find out. apply for the citibank card. You'll probably get it if you have 0 lates or negs. They are pretty lenient even with balances :)

    the AA advantage mastercard classic is easy, but to get the teaser rates you'll need to apply for the platinum select!
  9. dave

    dave Well-Known Member

    Re: Citibank

    I agree with the others that the high ratio of balances to credit limits is a problem.

    Apart from that, it looks like your credit history is very short, less than a year on your oldest account and just a few months on all of the others. The six inquiries don't help. I would wait at least six months to allow them to age and to put more time on your existing revolving accounts, get balances below 50% of revolving limits and you should have a much better shot. Still, no guarantee that you will be approved since many prime lenders like to see 18 months to 2 years of solid credit. On the plus side, you are a homeowner and that will boost your credit score.
  10. Y.M.

    Y.M. Guest

    Re: Citibank

    most likely you will be approved $1,000 credit line.
  11. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Re: Citibank

    Wait six months, reduce your balances and then apply for the Citi AA online.
  12. Doreen

    Doreen Guest

    Re: I was approved!!!!!

    Hi everyone:

    I thank you all of you for your advise. I just has to do it. I just applied and was approved for 5500.00 credit line , then I transfered all my balances and they raised my credit limit to 9500.00 on the spot. Even though my ratios where out of whack and my credit history was only 10 months old. By the way I applied for the aadvantage mastercard gold card. Thanks to all for your excellent info advise. If you have not tried citibank aadvantage card you should very easy to get. I am out of the sub prime world!! Good bye to Providian and Capital One I am not going to close them until next year sometime , I still want the trade lines to report for a while.!!!!!
  13. Y.M.

    Y.M. Guest

    Re: I was approved!!!!!

    Good job ! I knew you will be approved but I wasn't sure what credit line will be.
  14. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Re: I was approved!!!!!

    How do you get the limit raised? The Citi AAdv Gold Card does not let to transfer balances online?
    could you tell us exactly how do you get it?
  15. Doreen

    Doreen Guest

    Re: I was approved!!!!!

    I really think I got approved for such a high limit because my income ratios to debt where so low. What do you all think???
  16. Doreen

    Doreen Guest

    Re: I was approved!!!!!

    Geo: There was a screen that came up after I was approved to transfer balances.
  17. Doreen

    Doreen Guest

    Re: I was approved!!!!!

    By the way, I applied for the card thru the American Airlines Link. I first applied for a miles memebership, got my number and then I applied thru the aa link. I thought it might have been a better chance to get approved if I was alraedy a aa member.
  18. newcomer2

    newcomer2 Guest

    Re: I was approved!!!!!

    great .. I was maxed out on every single card and I got approved to ..
    congradulations .. ASk then for the 6.9 for six months u'll get it
  19. Suzanne

    Suzanne Guest

    Re: I was approved!!!!!

    I was also nearly maxed out on every card and they approved me for 2 cards at 5,000 and 5,500. I also have bad credit as recent as 3 yrs in fact 3 judgements also. I had 4 current accounts that have never been late or over limit with the oldest being 2 yrs old. I was very excited when I recieved these cards. I was'nt given approval on site so I figured that I was declined then about a week later I recieved both cards. I had made 2 other inquiries that same week also to Target and Discover. I was turned down by both of these. Go figure Enjoy this card
  20. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Re: I was approved!!!!!

    I think she was approved for the Gold "WORLD" Aadvantage MC because the Web site
    let her to transfer balances online. Well It's much better I think.

    Congratulations!!! Btw.You could also apply for the Regular AAdvantage. Do you know that?

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