Citibank secured credit card

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Jim, Jan 23, 2001.

  1. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    I went to the Citibank web site and could not locate the secured card. Is the secured card found under a particular name? What is the interest rate and is there an annual fee?

  2. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    RE: Citibank secured credit ca

    I believe you can't apply for that online, you must call and they will send you application.

  3. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member


    Call and get all the details...
  4. S.D.

    S.D. Guest

    Is it easier to get than Chase

  5. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    RE: Is it easier to get than C

    I think your chances are better with Citibank than with Chase if you have derogatory info on your file. Only way to find out is to call, request an application and send it in and see what happens?????

    I tried Chase secured already (if you already didn't know) and was turned away due to derogatory info on my file!
  6. Jo

    Jo Guest

    RE: Is it easier to get than C

    I am sorry but from reading these post for quite sometime, I would suggest you keep what you have and build them up for awhile, you seem a little too anxious to get more cards, it is best to start small and then build up slowly. No offense SD just pointing out the obvious.

  7. S.D.

    S.D. Guest

    RE: Is it easier to get than C

    I know... I'm just trying to find out information for future reference. I don't think I can handle more than three accts at the moment, since I'm establishing credit and all. I'm just weighing my options =0)
  8. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    That is very intelligent S.D.

    I believe you said that you are a college student. Years ago when I was 19, I had credit cards and a new car loan. My unsophisticated friends didn't understand how I got them. I just asked ?'s like you.

    Keep it up
  9. S.D.

    S.D. Guest

    Thanks for the encouragement

  10. Killer

    Killer Guest

    RE: Citibank secured credit ca

    Citibank secured doesn't report to the CRA's for the first 18 months.
  11. mt

    mt Guest

    RE: Citibank secured credit ca

    Also, you can apply for the citibank AA card and if you are not approved, they will send you an application for a secured AA card (secured by a minimum CD deposit). I did not do the deposit deal b/c I procrastinated and did not find out whether they report as secured, unsecured or at all. Just fyi.
  12. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    RE: Citibank secured credit ca

    They do not report their secure card in 18 months, after that time they will double the credit line you already have and send back you initial deposit. $300 minimun deposit for the classic, $800 for the Aadvantage and $5000 for the gold.

    The brochure say they do not accept applications with bk or previous delincuency info on their files(?)

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