
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Reshod, Jun 11, 2002.

  1. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member

    Anyone get an automatic increase lately?

    I did a request through and they wanted addittional info. I basically ignored them after thier request.

    Today I check my account and they increase the CL by $1,300. Bringing my total limit to a little over 14K.

    The suprising part about the whole situation is that I have been utilizing the BT offers and have remained over the 70% utilization rate.

    So this increase is a shock to me.

    Good Luck
  2. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Hook em Horns!!! Goin to Omaha!! Charlie
  3. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Reshod, I got a $1,200 increase from Citi last month after paying off a balance, putting my CL over $8,000 - I have had the card 13 months, started out with $4,000.

    Congrats on your increase, BTW. I bet you were surprised!!I paid them off cause they were checking my reports twice a month!! I figured They were getting nervous! Who knows?
  4. monicagee

    monicagee Well-Known Member


    I recevied an automatic increase of $1,100 last week. I have only had the card since 10/01. I usually pay the balance off every month.
    Congrats on the increase!!!
  5. dwooley

    dwooley Well-Known Member

    Got 1200 too.
  6. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member

    Ok, Citi just increasded my CL AGAIN. Thats twice within a week. They raised it by $2,500. For a total of $4K in the last week.

    I wanted to do a BT offer and they had two options:

    1. at 4.9% until paid off


    2. 3.9% until paid off.

    I selected the 2nd one and they allotted me an additional 2.5K to BT if I wanted to.

    This raises my limit to over 16K with Citi.


    p.s. I will transfer it all back to Citi next month, just wanted the higher limit.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I GOT SQUAT...but then the only way I got the card to begin with was BDD...

    ...AND I GUESS I SHOULD BE THANKFUL FOR THE $10,000 @ 0.00% TILL 11/13/2002.
  8. Pinto

    Pinto Well-Known Member

    I got a whopping $100 credit line increase a few months ago. Now, I can really go on a shopping spree, not! :)

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I even tried "EXERCISING" the account...PAID IN FULL, even though I haven't got the full use out of the 0.00% interest rate...

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