They are a pain, refuses to delete from the only Credit Bureau left it's reporting to, their buddy Experian.
They are one of the few furnishers of information who really attempt to comport to the FCRA. I know how frsutrating it can be to deal with them. With that said, if this is a legit debt within the statute be very careful how you choose to proceed. Citibank will often file a civil action and unfortunately, they typically retain competent counsel who actually have the documentation to prove up the debt. Just be careful with them.
Thanks for the reply. The charge off has been deleted off both other Credit Bureaus, however Experian is a pain, they refuse to. But I really can't complain to much though, 8 paid collections deleted, 3 paid charge off's deleted off two credit bureaus. Citi is the only one left on Experian, although Experian has updated this tl to less negative as 'Paid In Settlement," , less negative then before. All this done in year and a half by me, with threatning letters to collection agancys. Fico 06-2005-599 Fico 11-2006-715