cl increase & new card?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by fun4u2, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. fun4u2

    fun4u2 Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone :)

    I need a little input on this one please i'm a bit confussed .

    here is the senerio

    A consumer requests a CL increase but it ultimately denied for an undisclosed reason , which is yet to be determined.

    to the consumers suprise :0 they recieve a whole new seperate account in the mail with said creditor without even applying for the additonal card/ account.

    hmmm the creditor won't approve a cl increase but will give the consumer another card with a comparable CL.

    has this ever happens to anyone before? I would appreciate your responses.
  2. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    Never heard of it but, I would use it quick. It's possible you CL request got misinterpreted as a lost card or something. Especially, if you were calling India.
  3. NJPoorCred

    NJPoorCred New Member

    I have a "friend" who had a gas card from a company that rhymes with Mexxon/Hoble which had a limit of 250.00

    Said friend then applied for the Mexxon/Hoble MasterCard and was denied due to some payment issues with the bank who issues the MasterCard (seems different than the gas only card)

    Friend asks them to reconsider. While this is happening friend gets a letter in his statement saying to look out for new cards in 2-6 months and dispose of old card because account #'s are changing

    Friend recieves a new Mexxon/Hoble MC with a limit of 1700.

    Friend then recieves letter from Pitybank who owns Mexxon/Hoble MC that they reconsidered the request and approved a card with a $300.00 limit

    Friend then gets letter saying they can't issue the card because friend already has a card from them

    This has been 3 months and credit limit has been 1700 with no change, so sometime it is possible they they increase the CL on a new card after they deny the first

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