RE: the sticky "Never talk to a CA" Some great reading there, but at times there seems to be a bit of a conflict, which as at least one post acknowledges, is good due to the free exchange of ideas that help us all sort it out. But the date of the last post is 2 years old, and it originally began in 2001 (if I recall correctly), so I'd like to get a current opinion, and also clarification of a question that I beleive was addressed in that thread (if I am interpreting correctly) Q: Once a CA has your account, can they sue you in court, or do they not have that right? Can they only bully you and scare you, or do they have power to sue, attach wages, or other actual things? This thread puts a lot of ideas out there but I'm having trouble trying to figure out where it lands on this question. Q: How can I tell if the agency was assigned through OC or bought the account? (which seems to make a difference on procedure, according to thread) Thanks PS: I am hoping to update on my previous thread about my current disputes this week. The 30th day will Wed for 1 CRA and Thurs. for the other 2 CRA's. Anxiously waiting.
oops, forgot to ask this (for clarification of what is in that thread "Hall of Fame" - "Never talk to a CA") If a CA has your account (bought or assigned), do you now owe them, even though your original deal was with OC (contract, agreement, etc) and not the CA? Did the CA gain all rights, which means that agreement or contract is now between you and CA, so now the agreement/contract is between you and CA? This was confusing to me, because of the debate on 1 party agreement, both parties agree, etc. I read that one way you in effect agree to the contract between you and CA is by continueing to use the credit card (if there was a card involve in this agreement/contract) and that if you did not do this or other action showing agreement on your part (no verbal agreement, no payment arrangements, etc), then if you do not enter into or otherwise consent to an agreement with CA, then the CA has no binding power to pursue you, can take no legal action, cannot attach wages, etc. The CA can bully you, threaten you, lie to you and make you believe they can do that, but can they. The thought I'm wondering about is "I don't owe the CA anything. I may owe the OC something, since it was the OC that made my original agreement with, but I made no such agreement with the CA, so they cannot sue me (or take other action). Is that a wrong thought? Do they have those rights once they own your account, and does it matter if it was assigned or bought?