: Clarification of FDCPA 809 NEW MEMBERS READ THIS. http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=410243#post410243 ************************************************************you are correct! how can they send something to collections that they haven't been awarded. this isn't a debt like a credit card or auto loan. 1*a court of law would need to rule in their favor for them to collect the debt. jenz ======================1*You have hit on the reason why not all judgments should be reported.
NEW MEMBERS READ THIS. http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=410243#post410243 ************************************************************ 1*What are the chances a CA would take this case , in this stagee, where LL has not gotten judgment.??? 2*If CA takes the case, they probably have to realize that they would need to SUE me in the LLs name to recover. 3*Would not a CA also want to look if they can EVEN RECOVER ANYTHING from me, before taking actions about this matter? 4*I am not very familiar with collection agencies, and how they work, 5* does this sound like any CA would be willing to waste time and money on; 6*dont they just go after credit card debt? 7* if they decide to pursue this, would they make my LL pay for suing costs??? 8*or are CAs lawyers are pretty cheap??? dgj77 **************************************************************************************************** 1*Why would they be interested when there is so much other easier bacon to boil? 2*If they don't owe the debt they can't sue period. 3*I think they would be more concerned about the legality of the debt first.If the legality is in question it matters nor whither you have anything to recover. 4*Read up on the new members link. 5*If they're smart they wouldn't. 6*No 7*NO because The CA can't sue for a debt they don't own. 8*Why would who the lawyer works for change his rates.
************************************************************ 1*i realy believe i am judgment proof, as far as big items suchs as house, wages, and bank accts, go.... 2*I can always send a letter to a CA advising about my judgment proof situation 3*but since CAs dont care much about wasting time and money, i am afraid they will still go ahead and sue me, 4*and i will just have to deal with this stuff being on my report... * ======================= 1*But how long do you plan on being so? 2*And if they don't buy it ???? 3*Likd I told you before the CA can't sue you when they don't own the debt. 4*No ya don't
LBrown59 writes: << ************************************************************ 1*Is this better than having a judgment or a BK 7? 2*Is this in any way better than owing to a credit card company? 3*and after 7 years, can they report this again, or 7 year is the LIMIT they can report one incident? 4*If this spoils my credit history to this point , where i can t buy a house later If you buy a house latter dgj77 ================= >> 1*It's never good to have this, 2* 3*7 years however judgments can report up to for life. 4* If you buy a house later then you are no longer judgment proof as they can put lien on it. Even if it's 10 15 or more years from now? >> ****************************************************** NEW MEMBERS READ THIS. http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=410243#post410243 ******************************************************* >
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Clarification of FDCPA 809 Hey fave Charlieeeeeeeeeeeeee (Sorry Charlie!), Sorry I missed that, I was off hammocking -- thank you! How's everything in your slice of the world? Sassy Cross-linking to newest thread: http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=430958#post430958