Re: Me too... Thanks Sassy, added to the list. Excellect point too about the hearing and the FTC Opinion letters, I will try and have some of that information for him to look at when we meet. Do any of the 3 report the date or keep track of it?, (I can not remember and do not have my past reports nearby). -Peace, Dave
Re: Me too... None of them specifically list the date, Dave. Experian appears to use "reported since" or "last reported" for tracking.. TransUnion -- I can't figure what they use, I'm considering sending them a perpetual calendar ;-), their dates all contradict each other and the only options are really "opened" or "closed" Equifax appears to use "last reported" The problem is they are all different and each is inconsistent with its own reporting -- Just when you think you've figured out the date by counting backwards it changes. None of them have a fixed or specific entry for the commencement date that triggers the reporting period. The requirement itself really places an accuracy burden on the furnishers of information that would and should be verifiable, but, because it's not reported or tracked or disclosed by the CRA's, consumers have to either have their own records or depend on validation being provided to determine the correct date. I've been asking for it in validation letters, btw, so far it's never been provided and have just submitted disputes requesting verification of the commencement of delinquency date or deletion -- I've no results in yet. Sassy
I'm in, I'll travel, I'll speak, I'll do whatever it takes to help stop the greatest fraud ever committed upon consumers in this county. Caseyb===================== ================== This isn't the only fleece they are involved in.
Re: Me too... What are the Internet addresses of the transcripts? According to a professor at Ohio State, "On September 30, 1996, to remarkably little public fanfare, the Congress enacted substantial reform of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)... The 'Consumer Credit Reporting Reform Act of 1996' (the 'Act') was buried deep within an omnibus appropriations bill, and was part of the regulatory reform package that banks and their supporters pushed throughout the last congressional session."
Re: Me too... Just wanted to throw in another me too on this thread. I just received a letter from Trans Union saying they don't investigate inquiries. I expect to be getting the same thing from Equifax and Experian soon.
Re: Me too... Same here. Just got the BS "INQs are a matter of record" letter from TU. You can call it the TU letter, or the BS letter. But I call it --- EXHIBIT A Saar
Re: Me too... Count me in, Dave!!! I have 2 letters stating they will not dispute inquiries. I also have a B.S. letter stating that a credit repair agency wrote my letters. I know that is B.S., considering I wrote all of my letters. Lets sue for 10 Billion, then they will have to file for BK. We will then own Transunion, and all have perfect scores. (he,he) What do you guys think?
Re: Me too... LLC = limited liability COMPANY. Its basically just like a corporation but without some of the required formalities but with (partnership-like) pass-through tax treatment of income. A company can't arbitrarily limit its own liability to a set $ amount. Otherwise everybody would do it right? An LLC means limited liability only in the sense that a plaintiff cannot "pierce the veil" and go after the owners/equity holders/partners of the LLC, etc. Just like a corporation where the shareholders are not liable for the debts of the company. In other words you are limited to collecting against the assets of the LLC. Also, note there are all sorts of ways creative lawyers try to get past this limitation and go after parent corporations.
Re: Lunch Well, I didn't want to lead you guys on with the "not yet"...."not yet" syndrome on when lunch can be scheduled between him and I but since I had a confirmation this AM about lunch today, I thought I would finally post it. Still a chance we will cancel but we should be meeting today at Noon...I will take all the considerations on ideas, as well as all the "me too's" for possible estimates on reaction to the #'s thing and I will let you know how it goes and what the law says about these items. -Peace, Dave
Re: Lunch I'm working with an attorney here in Arizona about possibly doing some lawsuits against the credit bureaus. He can do federal cases, but is only licensed otherwise in Arizona. He does specialize in consumer credit law. His words of advice were: 1. Small claims works, but no attorney can represent you in small claims. If you want more than $1000 for damages, go to Superior Court, which usually is just as quick as small claims, but you can ask for alot more money, and you can have an attorney represent you on a contingency. Avoid Federal court which takes forever. He does this kind of stuff all of the time. If anyone wants his number, email me. 2. I told him about the problems that some of you were having in small claims with judges asking the defendents "is this debt" yours and basically closing the case. He says the complaint form used to file the case is really what makes or breaks the case. In the complaint you need to list the chain of events, but also list the exact statute or law being violated. Then naturally, you need to bring a print out of all the relevant laws and court cases to court. In superior court, you have a much better chance of avoiding the "is this debt yours" question because the judges are more interested in the law than the judges you usually see in small claims, which are likely to have their rulings swayed by their own personal opinions. 3. He also said that more damage can be done by individuals filing cases than class actions, which take longer and are of less interest to individuals because the amounts of the awards are less. The more interest an individual has in a case, usually the stronger the overall case, evidence, etc. If many people file lawsuits, and most of them win, it is more likely to get attention from the credit bureaus. He does do class action lawsuits, and may be interested in taking on this case. He was really appalled, for instance that TransUnion et all had started to refuse to investigate inquiries. Just passing the word along, he is just a friend of mine.
Re: Lunch Ok ... you all owe me $30 for lunch ... I will take it in trade We had a great discussion. He is VERY interested in all the facts I had and is going to do some research into this. He needs to find out if the FCRA precludes class action suits, he needs to determine whether a cause of action has occured, and he needs the evidence I have. Apparently since the FCRA spells out the statutory amount, and the rights for individuals to sue, he thinks there may be a restriction(s) to class action suits. We will find out. He will read up on this over the weekend and get back to me further next week. Meanwhile I need a few things from those of you that have them...I need to gather evidence about ALL of these topics to send him. So if you have any documented evidence of: 1) TU "like" letters saying "Inquiries are a matter of record we do not dispute them" - from TU, Eq or Ex. 2) Letters from the CRA's saying "we investigated, we refuse to re-investigate" 3) Items deleted and no validation requested 4) dispute wrong balance, whole item gets deleted 5) re-insertion without notice 6) Marie any info on how you found out TU system CAN NOT mark items in dispute. 7) ANY evidence on how your scores you saw was NOT the score you got when you applied for credit (one possible Fair Isaac action item). Let me know...keep in mind it must be clear evidence, not just speculation or insinuation. Post a note here with the type of evidence you have (do not duplicate others posts of similar evidence, as I will only need 1 example of each) and I will post a note asking to send it to me via email. You can then send it to me with all personal information removed. 8) LKH he asked me for something I know you have....but I can't think of it now and it appears I did not write it down...but something I know you have evidence of....I will email you about it after work (no time to sit and remember it now) Well thats it for now...Hopefully after I get him the evidence of things above, and he reviews the FCRA, we may have something here. -Peace, Dave
Re: Lunch <Bump> I KNOW some of you have the items needed...I would like to get this information to him before the weekend, so if you have any of the above items please post a note and I will email you. -Peace, Dave
Re: Lunch Yo Dave, I'm a member of There are at least 25 class action suits underway right now for FCRA violations. You can go sign up for a free 30 day trial if ya wanna look around.
Re: Lunch Hey Butch, I am a lay person here, but he was describing the difference between a class action and a mass action...I am not sure which is allowable and what the exact differences are, but I believe it has to do with representing the individuals "separately" or as a proxy for an entire group... Either way, that is what HE will tell ME....what I need from you guys is some of the evidence above if you got it let me know. -Peace, Dave
Re: Re-insert I do have a letter from EQ indicated that an item was investigated then deleted, then couple months later the item was re-inserted without notifying me, the best effort they did is like they add a statement " Dispute-resolution pending" I dont know if this is the kidn of evidence you are looking for,,,