Class Action Lawsuit

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Nave, May 25, 2002.

  1. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: Lunch

    I've got a couple of these type letters at home. Drop me a line and I'll send them out. I won't be able to get them to you before tonight, though.

  2. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Re: Lunch

    Thanks Tom, email is in your inbox.

    -Peace, Dave
  3. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Lunch

    Hey Nave,

    The exact wording of "INQs cannot be disputed" BS letters by TU & EFX, was posted here many times.

    As for me, I have them and would be happy to send them to you. But perhaps you should wait with collecting the evidence till he's done checking the legal aspects and lets you know this is appropriate for class action?

    I suggest that when he does, we'll start a new thread, ask pbm to make it stick it to the top, and call all members to send their evidence to a designated address / fax #.

    Let me know what you think.

  4. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Re: Lunch

    Saar, you are absolutely correct, I am NOT collecting evidence...This was his request, he asked me to send EXAMPLES of the items of which I did not have direct examples to show him (some of the letters I never received)...again these are only examples so that he can see if the allegations I was making are matched by clear language in the FCRA or were they treading the linguistics game.

    When and only if it is determined that anything can come from this, I will start a new evidenciary thread as you suggest.

    I will email you for that EFX letter, as I think I have or have arranged for copies of the other items. This will not be used in any way other than backround infoso please white out all the personal information.

    -Peace, Dave
  5. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Lunch

    Yo Dave,

    What's the update?

  6. Mrei

    Mrei Well-Known Member

    Re: Lunch

  7. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Re: Lunch

    I have seen him 2 or 3 times since. He claims he is extremely busy, and assured me he is still interested, but I guess truth told he must simply not be interested.

    I have just now sent him one last email to say "thanks but I must conclude we do not have anything interesting or you would have responded sooner" and I will let you all know the response.

    The firm is right across the street from my office, I could always just walk over and demand he sit and read all the documentation I have sent him, and give me an answer. :))

    I have all the documents collected with name and account #'s blacked out, so if anyone has an atty that they would like to give a go with, I will send the information their way.

    -Peace, Dave
  8. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    Re: Lunch

    The cost in time and effort verses the likelyhood that even if you win you will get little money would tend to preclude many from filing a personal suit, I think.
  9. JJohnson

    JJohnson New Member

    class action lawsuit 2003/or2004

    I am trying to retrieve any information about the class action lawsuit with trans-union between 2003 and 2004.

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