Clean file= better service w/ CRAs?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Cyprigirl, Jan 24, 2002.

  1. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to share a thought with the board.

    I noticed that since my files have been cleaned up, I have been getting better treatment on my calls to the CRAS.

    I maybe off the wall on this but, ever since I have had my TU report cleaned up and I called in about an inquiry or a balance update, I have gotten really nice reps who delete the inquiries right on the spot. I recently had 4 taken off on one phone call and then a minor error I noticed on my file was taken care of the same day and a new report was sent to me right away.

    At EQ, I have even managed to get a rep to have a couple of my inquiries investigated, which is a shocker for me and they have been very helpful on little things I noticed on my report.

    At EX, when a CCC reported my account negatively in error, the rep I spoke to immediately corrected my file with no hassles or new investigations. That was an even bigger shocker to me considering my many battles with EX.

    But I would be curious as to how others are now being treated since they have cleaned up their files or those that have good credit files for years.

    Most dramatic one is TU, they are so friendly, it is unbelievable and they even handle my investigations, even though the local credit bureau is suppose to be the one handling my file.

    This is my take on it, people with a good credit files generate more revenue for the CRAS, CCCs are more apt to do PRM or you are more apt to apply, thus inquiries and thus more CASH for them.

    I say all this because prior to getting my credit in shape, I dreaded calling the CRAS and I would get the nastiest and most unhelpful representatives and I became very frustrated with the process until I saw headway.

    Of course it did not help that I was not always in the best of moods when I called :), but even lately when I call and admit I sometimes have an attitude when I call the CRAs, hey I have been conditioned to think they are the enemy.

    I am ususally pacified real quick and the calls end up pleasantly and I am ususally satisfied with the results.

    Sorry to ramble like this but I was curious as to what others think or how they have been treated.

  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I think you may be onto something here. My TU is the best, score wise, and my EQU is the cleanest, go figure. EXP is the worst! Whenever I fax TU about inquiries, they come off right away. When I dispute them with EXP, some come off some don't, usually taking 30 days either way.
    Come to think of it last time I called TU, they said "thank you for calling Mrs. KHM" last time I called EXP I got "anything else I can help you with?" no "goodbye".

    Now I'm thinking of calling EQU about some inquiries, what did you say to them? Were you nice about it or men as

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    I think that is true. Once I got my TU clean, I wanted one closed account to read 'closed by consumer' instead of 'closed by credit grantor'. I did it online and they did it the very next day and sent a revised report. Now that's service!
  4. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    I know what you mean about the inquiries, TU is oooh so willing to delete with a simple phone call, whereas before I would get the standard BS response or no response at all when I did it online.

    As for Eq, I think I got lucky that day, but then again my file is handled by the Consumer Affairs Department at EQ (Legal Department) and partly because my file has a lot of hard and soft inquiries and it is difficult for them to maintain the file with soo many inquiries, so I did manage to get a few deleted. But I said or did nothing special.

    As for EX, I hear you on that one, before when I would call EX, the reps were the most uninformed and rudest reps, so you can imagine my surprise when the lady I spoke to was soo helpful and handled my complaint right then and there. I still cannot believe it.

    Well I am glad to know I am not alone , thanks for the feedback, I hope others can contribute more comments.

  5. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member

    I concur.

    I spoke to TU this morning, and it was actually pleasant!!!
  6. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    I agree, too. I have never had a problem with the CRAs, my creditors, or Fair Issac. They have always corrected everything I have asked for. But, I guess it is understandable if you run a business. You stay with clientle that pays early and often. I know it happens at my place of employment - the customers that call and want service and who pay well, they get quick and professional service. The customers who write bad checks and take 90-120 days to pay their account...well, someone gets to them when they feel like it. It is somewhat dismal to think about, but it's true and I believe almost every business works this way.


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