Hi, Hope to get some advice on this. My husband and I have decided to claim bankruptcy. All of the credit card debt is in my name along with the house and my car. The only debt he has is his car which he has been on time for the past 3 years. I am also current on all debt including credit cards but we are at the point that everything is starting to snowball. What we were wondering about is whether we should file together or if I should file alone. His credit stinks due to alot of old debt...probably not more than 5 or 6 thousand but it is all at least 5 years old. I plan on getting our credit reports this week to see just what is on his...he's not sure anymore after all this time. Since 1999 he has had a capitol card that he paid off and cut up, a charge for our wedding rings that he paid off and his regular car payment that he always pays on time. Just don't know if it would be worth it for him to claim bankruptcy for a bunch of old debt. He did hear from a collector for a medical bill from 1999 that said it was for a procedure he never had so I sent a validation letter about a month and a half ago and haven't heard anything from them except for getting the green card back. Would it be possible to get his cleaned up and I file alone or should he just join me in this. I would appreciate any ideas. Thanks
If you have no joint debt, I would file alone. I live in a Community Property state and my spouse and I did just that and it turned out fine. Just check your state laws.