Well, as normal I started pulling reports after our Sept. 7, 2004 dishcharge and signed up for creditexpert.com and got our Experian reports. I disputed everything that didn't list the BK and also all the lates as "under BK protection" can't be listed as late. I had 3 that were listed the worst...Chase...Bank One/ 1st USA and AT&T Universal card/ Citi. It worked!! Not only did Bof A remove all the 30/60/CO's, Chase corrected thiers to read IIB and removed the 30 and 60 days late. BUT best of all..... 1st USA and Univers/CITI... who had the nastiest language in the report ....DROPPED OFF COMPLETELY!! My score went from 630 to 664 and that includes a new inquiry from PATELCO who gave us a $1500 non-secured cc. It's not reporting yet, but the inquiry hit the CR. What's the chance they will show up again?