CLEAR CREDIT,Anyone tried them yet?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by fireclan, Sep 29, 2002.

  1. fireclan

    fireclan Member

    I just received an e-mail regarding a new place that "automatically" clears your credit and you are not charged any fees unless they "clear the items from your credit report. They say they work with all 3 major credt bureaus. I am very interested in trying them, has anyone tried them it? Any advice would be very helpful.
    For your reference the address:

    I am a little weary, I am not sure, but they kind of remind me of JUNUM.

    Any thoughts??
    Thank you.
  2. KG

    KG Active Member

    OK looking site! I will try them if someone else does first since they have no upfront fees.
  3. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    It says you have to pay $5 if they dispute something and another $15 if that item is removed. I may be missing something here but you can dispute something for free with a CRA.
  4. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    To simply answer your question. If you are here, why go there. Besides $5.00 a dispute and $15.00 a deletiom! Let me do some math for you

    For me:
    EQ 37 disputes in 3 months = $185.00
    EQ 12 deletions in 3 months = $180.00

    Total cost for eq through clear credit $365.00

    Total cost to me due to creditnet @17.00 in CRRR

    You do the math, I will keep the knowledge.

  5. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member

    I agree.

    I have had:

    EQ: 11 CA deletions = $165
    2 public deletions = $30
    4 accts changed to pays as agreed ($15 ea?) = $20

    About the same for the other 2. Right now I have 4 unpaid collections that won't budge, 2 public records left, 9 pays as agreed on EQ. 1 INQ left

    EX: 4 unpaid collections left, 2 derrog cc (that says pays as agreed on EQ), 3 public records, 8 current accounts. 2 INQ left

    TU: 4 collection accts, 2 public records, they deleted ALL tradelines for credit accts, so all I have is 3 very new accts. 2 cc and 1 car loan, 6 INQs (but working on bumpage)

    I did most of this online and fax. I have paid for CW and CE. I have paid for $50 worth of TU reports until I learned about the denied credit route. About $30 in CRRR.

    This is for both MINE and HUBBYs. His is down to 0 publics on EQ, 1 on the others. No positive credit. (Everything has always been in my name) and 8 collections, 3 of which are paid.

    We are now to the CA validation, intent to sue stage.... Would this place have given up at this point and told me it was as good as it was going to get?

    Regardless of what it cost, the knowledge I know have is priceless.
  6. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: CLEAR CREDIT,Anyone tried them

    Folks, ClearCredit is simply the new name for troubled Junum. Same troubled company, even more troubled new owners, lol. If you go to the old, you'll be auto-forwarded to

  7. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    Re: CLEAR CREDIT,Anyone tried them

    Another thing you need to be careful with Credit Repair companies is that they OFTEN disptue positive tradelines!

    I've lost three EXCELLENT tradelines this way...

    Plus, you CAN do it for free by reading this board - and proably a MUCH better job. And you have control over what and when gets disputed.

    Next, they generally only do the CRA's, when you need to do both the CRA's and the OC/CA's!!!!!!

    Save your money...

  8. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: CLEAR CREDIT,Anyone tried them

    I am not happy with Clearcredit. I used Junum and they did good for me. I got out right before they started disputing positive tradelines. I was pleased, through, and wrote a testimonial which I agreed could appear at the Junum website. However, I am not thrilled to see my little blurb appearing at clearcredit. I did not endorse this company under that name and feel it's underhanded to put it there. So, I'm feeling quite negatively about that and, similarly, the endorsement that was put at When the endorsements come up, the page title is "Junum-testimonials" GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
  9. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: CLEAR CREDIT,Anyone tried them

    I just went back and checked our "endorsement" again and noticed they changed our words (Junum replaced with Clear Credit). OK, I am not a happy camper. SO, not only did they use the endorsement for them under this name I never used, they have changed our words! :( :( :(
  10. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    Re: CLEAR CREDIT,Anyone tried them

    Junum was a scam, plain and simple. I'm not talking about what they did for customers, I'm talking about their whole business. It was a front for people with some very nasty connections. They bled the stock for everything it was worth, now transferred the only money making portion of it's business to one of Junum's executives.

    A CRO in California is required to post a 100k bond. Junum operated w/out it for years. I doubt the cost of the bond itself was an issue, they probably didn't want to open themselves up to the scrutiny of an investigation a bonding company would do.

    This company is just bad news. You do NOT want them to have your credit info.

  11. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    Not to mention most people get about 30% of the derogs removed during the first round of simple disputes. How easy is it to just do the first round of disputes, keep that cash and say "sorry, nothing else we can do for you."?

  12. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    When I first started my "cleanup", I used Junum. They got 4 perfect accts deleted for me. Idiots. I cancelled in the 3rd month which was June 01. In January of 02, they sent a dispute to Experian for me. This was after my lawsuit with them and had gotten everything cleaned up. They sent disputes on now nonexistant accts. I got a letter from Exp. atty asking me what in the hell I was doing. I called him and got to the bottom of it when he read it to me, told me where it was post marked and that it was hand written.

    I immediately called Junum after this phone call and raised pure hell with them. I told them if they even thought of ever sending anything out in my name again they'd be looking at a major lawsuit and that I was considering suing them right now.

    You should of heard the apologies AFTER they claimed it couldn't have been them. The atty sent me a copy of the letter and I read it to them. Apologies followed.


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