clearing debts for a job

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by einzige, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. einzige

    einzige Member

    i was recently offered a job however they want me to show ive made payment arrangements on my bad debts before i am officially offered the position.
    i have 2 they are concered about. one is a reposession from 3 yrs ago, which i made arrangements with and they were nice and understanding.
    now my credit card debt, around 4k, is another story. its with a JDB/law firm and they are shady. would not take my offer for payment arrangements and insisted on an amount way over my ability to pay. i said i would like to pay what i can, once i get the job hopefully pay more. also, the guy said i need to wire the money asap and would not agree to a written statemet of the payment arrangements! they also insisted that i ask someone to pay the debt for me if i dont want to make payments. how on earth can i deal with people like this? of course they threw it in my face that i hadnt paid for 3 yrs and why should they trust me to pay now etc etc. i sent a request for verification letter several months ago, before the situation with the job offer came up and the JDB also kept saying my letter was just a stall tactic etc.
    i am going to call the employer to see how lenient they will be with me regarding this, but im worried if they see how far gone this is they may not want me to work for them at all.
    any advice or words of encouragment greatly appreciated.
  2. Ice_Siren

    Ice_Siren Well-Known Member

    Well it sounds to me like they MIGHT have nothing if they are not bothering to answer your validation. Is this out of SOL? They can call you asking for DV what they like, you have a right to see what you are requesting. Period. It also sounds like you may already have a papertrail started so I would DV them a second time and a bit more forcefully worded.

    Don't give them so much info ammunition, they do not need to know that they have you backed in a corner. What is going on with your job is none of their business and I suggest acting like you don't care- you don't want to work with me, fine you don't get your money. Also if you must talk to the CA, maybe talk to someone else. I would approach the employer and tell them that the CA won't work with you and you really want this job, but you need more time or something and see what they say. They wanted you to fix this and you are doing as they asked so don't worry about them not wanting you. Good luck!
  3. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    I would remind them that what you are doing is exercising your RIGHTS under THE LAW.

    As far as your employer, can you claim that this debt is disputed, and the CA has failed to validate it so you have no way of knowing what, if anything you owe!
  4. einzige

    einzige Member

    I spoke with the employer and they are satisfied about the arrangements with the repo and do not want me to deal with an unscrupulous JDB. so, looks like i'll be getting my first post-college "real" job!

    as for shady JDB, I have sent them at least 2 letters for validation, the first response was just a company letterhead note. the 2nd response was 2 copies of old statements, and it took them long than the 30 day limit. how much does that timeframe count? seems they are the ones who are stalling validating this debt.
    SOL in my state starts from last payment, 4 years. which will be sometime at the end of this year.
    i strongly dispute the amount they claim i owe, and i hope my call to them won't put me at too much of a disadvantage.

    thank you for your replies!
  5. einzige

    einzige Member

    ok i just noticed something on my paperwork there are 2 account numbers being reported. one is the right no, one is different and listed on a paper they sent me as "lost stolen no xxxx lost stolen date june xx 2002" what does this mean? this was after i had done any activity with my old credit cards (everything happened to me around the same time)
  6. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Did you have an account where you reported the card lost or stolen, and a new account number and card was issued?
  7. einzige

    einzige Member

    not in that year listed. i reported a card stolen several years before, i dont recall which one it was though.
    is it possible one of the CA reported the account as lost or stolen?

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