closed accounts

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by nyyanks81, Feb 28, 2003.

  1. nyyanks81

    nyyanks81 Well-Known Member

    The account was closed on 5/2001 because of an error at Discover card because I ended up with 2 different cards mailed to my house, so I cancelled one of them. This lists the details of the closed account.

    Now why is it still being reported as of 11/02 if it has been closed? I didn't even use this darn card,I had it cancelled as soon as I got it! and it keeps reporting a 0 balance.

    If Discover keeps reporting it then the date it drops off the report will keep getting pushed foward?? "This account is scheduled to continue on record until 11-2012."
    Last year at this time when I checked my Experian report it said "This account is scheduled to continue on record until 11-2011." Now its gonna be 2012!!!!

    Date Opened:
    Reported Since:
    Date of Status:
    Monthly Payment:
    Last Reported:
    Credit Limit/Original Amount:
    High Balance:
    Recent Balance:
    Recent Payment:
    Status Details:
    This account is scheduled to continue on record until 11-2012.
    Your statement :
    Account closed at consumer's request
    Balance History:
    $0 10/2002
    $0 11/2001
    $0 06/2001
    $0 06/2001
    $0 05/2001
    $0 05/2001

    Between 5-2001 and 10-2002, your credit limit/high balance was $1,000
  2. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    I see YOUR statement says closed at consumer's request. I would give Discover a call and double check that they are showing the account is indeed closed. It looks like they might be reporting it as open. It is being considered a good TL, thats why it is showing stays on your record for 10 yrs.
  3. nyyanks81

    nyyanks81 Well-Known Member

    Looking at where it says
    Balance History:
    $0 10/2002
    $0 11/2001

    There seems to be no activity for 1 year and suddenly in 11/02, Experian updated again. This is weird.

    My Equifax report that I pulled a year ago also shows that this account was closed at consumer's request. So that basically shows that it was indeed closed if 2 CRA's have the same info on it being closed.

    Even if it's closed and keeps updating has no negative impact whatsoever on my CR right?

    If I call Discover, what do I tell them about whats on my CR after they pull up my info and find that the account is closed? I don't what them to make an inquiry on my CR just to see for themselves.

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