I have a Gateway Account thru MBNA. I have been disputing one 30 day late pay from 2 years ago and it finally cleared from my credit reports ( after disputing a couple of times with all three CRAs). I just recently noticed however, that on all three bureaus it now says closed by credit grantor. This account was never closed and I know it looks bad on the credit reports if it says this. How do I correct this and has anyone had any success with this type of problem? Thanks Janet
If the account was never closed, and you want the account open, dispute it as such through the CRA's (dispute as account open). If you would rather the account shows closed, (it says $0 bal, right?) dispute it as "closed by consumer"/
Janet, Here's where I start gettin pi$$ed. They traded one derog for another. it was a neutral exchange. They do that under the auspices that "well we are trying to fix it, just made a mistake". I'd send em a notice of intent to file suit. IN FEDERAL DISTRICT COURT, IN DEMAND OF A JURY, FOR UNSPECIFIED PUNATIVE DAMAGES TO THE EXTENT THE COURT DEEMS APPROPRIATE UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES!!! (Defense council would charge em out the rump just to look at it) Willful failure to maintain procedures to avoid mistakes. Continuing to report info they should have known is inaccurate. (Just to name 2) At some point folks you'll want to learn to play hard ball, they do. They have no intention of doing anything until YOU become a THREAT! Good Luck,
Thanks everyone. When it read closed by credit grantor, it still had a balance of around $1300.00 and it is considered a Line of Credit. I'm pretty sure that's why my score went down a couple of points. I'm going to dispute with the credit bureaus as not closed. Hopefully something comes out of it. Again, thanks everyone for your input. Janet
Butch, It's good to have someone new that has a little snap. I'm not trying to dish anyone, just a comment. Someone that is new to the board, yet has some knowledge. Welcome to the board. Charlie
At some point folks you'll want to learn to play hard ball, they do. They have no intention of doing anything until YOU become a THREAT! CREDITNET | Straight Talk | | "Closed by credit grantor" This fact alone makes fico scores very suspect.
I just disputed is as closed by the consumer when the energy company added that comment to my credit report.
Hubby had an acct with goodyear that was closed by credit grantor. Initially it said paid/paying as agreed was 30 DAYS PAST DUE X/XX 60 DAYS PAST DUE X/XX ACCOUNT CLOSED BY CREDIT GRANTOR AT CREDIT GRANTORS REQUEST***************** A real eye catcher huh? well guess what happened after the 7 years were up? yeah yeah the late thing came off but THE IDIOTS CHANGED THE STATUS FROM NEGATIVE TO POSITIVE!!!!!! since it lists as an acct in good standing it is scheduled to remain on the cr until 7/11 !!!!! Now were stuck with this boldface overkill of a statement!!! can I have this deleted???? anyone??
Hermit5 | ------------------------------quote:-------------------------------------------------- I would agree, Butch. Hardball all the way. ========================================= Better idea : Keep the ball in your court - don't give then any money by doing business with them. CREDITNET | Straight Talk | | "Closed by credit grantor"
Maybe I am reading this wrong but... it went from lates to no lates and- status from negative to positive and - did the account closed statement remain? If that be the case just dispute as 'closed by consumer (you). Then the account will look good and then it remaining until 7/11 wouldn't be so bad? Please correct me if I am wrong.
It doesn't really matter how it "looks" all that matters is how it affects your score. I have yet to see any actual evidence that closed by consumer vs closed by grantor is factored into scoring.
Yes, the lates came off after the 7 years, bumping the status from negative to positive, however the statement remains for all to see. I think Goodyear did this intentionally so that they could make him look bad eternally. Pretty sneaky. they closed the acct after the lates, but we continued to pay on time until it was paid off. thus at one point in time it read 30 days late x/xx...ect.....in prior 48 monthes paid never late. at that point they looked foolish. I considered the acct to be negetive, and still do but cr lists as positive. dola is 1996, when we paid it off. they did close the acct (over 7 years ago) so this much is true, can I request that the statement be deleted as it is negative and past 7 yrs, if not can i wait till 7yrs from dola and request deletion of "positive" trade line?? coral
coral, were you able to get this account to show up as anything other than "closed by credit grantor"? Can you post your update please? I have a similar account that is kind of a pain in the petuti. Thanks.
Coral, can you please post your update(if any). Anyone else have a similar account that was closed by credit grantor - never went to collection and paid until fully paid - and now the account status is "closed by credit grantor"? 1. Is there a letter that someone has used to change the status? 2. Is it worth a try to get the status fixed with OC or is it better to get it deleted all together? I think I know the answer to this (get it deleted), just wanted to get opinions. Thanks for your attention!
Sorry it took me so long to reply. I have not done anything with this yet, at the least I will wait till the 7 yrs have passed since the DOLA and dispute it as outdated. It doesn't seem to have a big impact on hubbys score. This tradeline is very old and it is the only difference between our reports and his score is 15- 30 pts higher than mine. so I'm going to let sleeping dogs lie for now. I would like to get a mortgage soon and don't want to risk losing points. He's barely over 700. coral