Hi all, I was just discharged from a ch. 13 bk. Looking at my cr their are things that need to be fixed. One acct. is for a car loan. It doesn't report as IIB, but it says bad debt/co bal.$400. The original loan was with the bank for total $18,000@60 months. I purchased the car in 1996. They have the car listed as a 1996 on the cr and $18,000@73 months, but all my records state 1995(the car is a '95) So after we thought we were finished paying this note. the bank started reporting me late, they never repo'd the car. They started calling and sending letters, but we told them that the last paymt was made. During this time we started bk cpt.13 and never rec'd title. What should I do now. My wife already disputed this acct. this week as not mine with cra, because she thought we received the title and this acct. was settle. I don't think it was included in bk, 1 bureau has it as IIB. How would you pros handle this one. I'm willing to pay the $400 to settle this. TIA
you were supposed to have the title FOUR YEARS AGO and you just realized you didn't? what if you were going to sell it or trade it in - you can't do that without the title! sorry, just a little tough love there. realistically, you need to check your records and figure out what happened. if you need to send the money - make sure they fix your report. they must have sent you something over the last four years stating you were late. edited to add: ok, i see that you rec'd notice from the OC. Do you have proof of last payment? They aren't just going to take your word that you made the payment. Was it paid in the BK? What does your paperwork say?
You are right....my wife is very upset with me to. She thought this as handled. During this time my wfie was very ill and was not working. This is the reason for the bk. But I did keep the car pymnt currrent. When I made the last payment which is the 6oth payment I was very happy. I called the bank and asked when would we receive the title and the bank states that I owe another yr. of payments. How??? my records show that I owe nothing so I sent them copies of all my paper work. Thing they reply that I must of missed some payments. They said I missed 6. No way, they would of repoed the car. I refused and ask for proof. No contact was made after requesting proof. I filed bk. because my wife was still not working and things were hard. I lost track of this. It wasn't included in bk because at the time it read as paid as agreed on my cr. with a balance of $400. I told my atty that I would handle this acct. and he suggested to pay them so that they could be a positive on my cr after discharge. Well, things got really bad with my wife's health and I didn't handle it. My wife is trying to help with the credit repair and thought we paid and I had the title. I don't owe them the $400 but I am willing to pay to settle. I made a mistake and will pay to fix it. TIA
I would send a DV type letter asking for payment history, copies of the original contract (even though you have it), etc. Compare what you have to what they send you. If it matches, send a letter to the branch manager outlining your complaint and state that due to familial health problems you failed to address the problem sooner.