Cobalt Card lives!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Saar, Mar 29, 2002.

  1. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    As part of a specially selected group, weâ??re making Citi Cash Card an even better financial decision for you this holiday season. Sign up for Citi Cash Card by December 31, 2002 and weâ??ll load it with $20 to spend and waive the $25 annual fee.*

    *To be eligible for this offer you must apply for a Citi Cash Card, load a minimum of $10 onto the card before 12/31/02 and be approved for a Citi Cash Card. Your $20 incentive will be loaded onto your Citi Cash Card 2â??4 weeks after approval. Limit - one incentive per cardholder. Offer subject to cancellation at any time.
  2. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Thanks. The way I read it, the "one incentive" is "your $20 incentive" (see above quote). It goes on to say (on another frame) that one should disregard any reference to the annual fee.

  3. tzank

    tzank Well-Known Member

    I was not charged the $25 annual fee when I signed up. The free $20 will appear in my account within two weeks.

    This is a good deal :)

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